Page-32 of Geography
Taiwan carries out Rescue Exercise in Disputed South China Sea
Taiwan carried out a search-and-rescue exercise in the South China Sea to cement its hold over Taiping in the Spratly island group. Even though Taiwan claims all of the Spratlys, it only occupies Taiping. It carried out a drill simulating ..
India and Israel sign two agreements
India and Israel have signed two agreements in the field of agriculture and water resources management. The agreements were signed in New Delhi after delegation level talks between the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and visiting President of Israel Reuven Rivlin. ..
Festival of India begins in Oman
For the first time, Indian embassy at Oman is holding a five-month long ‘Festival of India’ in four major cities of Oman – Muscat, Sur, Sohar and Salalah. The festival began on 15 November and will go on till March ..
Biggest and brightest Supermoon observed
The Supermoon was observed after the moon was closest to the Earth at 356,509 km. This is for the first time moon came closest to Earth since 1948. Last time, the moon came closer to earth on 26 January 1948. ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2016
Netanyahu favours bill to stop mosque noise
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has come in favour of the bill which calls for reducing the volume of calls to prayer coming from mosques resting his stance on the complaints coming from citizens. Netanyahu has stated that people from all ..
Saraswati River existed: KS Valdiya committee
The K.S. Valdiya committee in its report submitted to the Union Water Resources Ministry has concluded that Saraswati River so far considered mythical, existed. The committee comprising of geologists, archaeologists and hydrologists say that they have found evidence of the ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2016
Astronomers discover HD 131399Ab, planet with three suns
A team of international astronomers for the first time have sighted a Jovian planet orbiting a triple star system. The planet has been named as HD 131399Ab. The strange planet was sighted by team of astronomers led by University of ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Tallest mountain in North America, Mount McKinley renamed as Denali
United States has changed the name of tallest mountain in North America Mount McKinley to its original native name Denali. It was announced by US President Barack Obama ahead of his three-day visit to Alaska to highlight the issue of ..
Month: Current Affairs - September, 2015
Maria Elena South, driest place on earth discovered in Atacama Desert, Chile
Researchers have discovered the driest location on Earth in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The site discovered is called as Maria Elena South (MES). It was discovered by team of research scientist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2015
Typhoon Rammasun (Glenda) hits Philippines
Even as the Philippines was trying to recover from the destruction caused by super typhoon Haiyan last year, another typhoon Rammasun smashed large parts of the Philippines killing one person and forcing hundreds of thousands to take shelter in evacuation ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2014
Category: International / World Current Affairs