Page-19 of Geography

Singapore current chair at 13th East Asia Summit (EAS -2018)

The 13th East Asia Summit (EAS -2018) was held in Central Area, Singapore on November 14–15. It was an annual meeting of national leaders from the East Asian region and adjoining countries. Leaders of 18 countries of Asia Pacific region, ..

UAE Partner Country at 9th Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2019

The 9th edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2019 is scheduled to be held in Gandhinagar from 18th to 20th January with theme `Shaping of a New India’. The `Youth Connect Forums’. The summit will provide a forum for ..

17th ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Council Meeting held in Singapore

On November 12, The 17th ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Council Meeting was held in Singapore as part of the 33rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summit Meetings. Apart from taking stock of regional economic integration efforts during the year, it also ..

25th maritime exercise “SIMBEX-18” started between India and Singapore

The 25th edition of bilateral maritime exercise “SIMBEX-18” has started between the Navies of the Republic of Singapore and India from 10th to 21st November 2018 off Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal. The SIMBEX 2018 will be the largest ..

Justice Debasish Kar Gupta sworn-in as new chief justice of Calcutta High Court

Justice Debasish Kar Gupta has recently been sworn-in as the new chief justice of the Calcutta High Court. It is the oldest High Court in India and has jurisdiction over the state of West Bengal and the Union Territory of ..

International Conference on Status and Protection of Coral Reefs (STAPCOR 2018) held in Lakshadweep

The International Conference on Status and Protection of Coral Reefs (STAPCOR 2018) was held at Bangaram Island, Lakshadweep with theme “Reef for Life” from October 22-24. It was organised by the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) in co-ordination with the ..

China opens world’s longest sea-crossing bridge

China has officially opened the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge, which connects the Chinese city of Zhuhai to the semi-autonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macau. It includes an undersea tunnel allowing ships to pass through the Pearl River delta, the ..

The first-ever joint maritime exercise to be conducted between ASEAN and China

The first-ever joint maritime exercise will be conducted between ASEAN and China in the South China Sea near the city of Zhanjiang in an effort to reduce tensions in the disputed region. This exercise will provide very good opportunities from ..

12th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM-2018) started in Brussels

On October 18, the 12th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit has started in Brussels, Belgium with theme “Global Partners for Global Challenges”. The summit will prioritise issues related to connectivity, trade and investment, sustainable development, climate change, terrorism, migration, maritime security ..

The festival of Fulpati celebrated in Nepal

The festival of Fulpati has recently celebrated with traditional gaiety and religious fervour in various parts of Nepal. Fulpati is observed on the 7th day of Dashain festival. In Nepali, “Phool” means flower and “Pati” means leaves and plants. There ..