Genome Sequencing

Svante Pääbo receives Nobel Prize in Medicine

Svante Pääbo was conferred the Nobel Prize in Medicine on October 3, 2022. Key facts Svante Pääbo received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his pioneering works in the field of paleogenomics – a branch of science dealing with the ..



CoVarScan rapid COVID-19 test

Researchers have developed a rapid Covid-19 test, called “CoVarScan rapid Covid-19 test”. This test will help in identifying different variants of SARS-CoV-2 in some hours. CoVarScan rapid Covid-19 test The CoVarScan test detects the signatures of eight hotspots on SARS-CoV-2 ..



Thiomargarita magnifica

Scientists have discovered a bacterium that is big enough to be seen through the naked eye. It has been named Thiomargarita magnifica and is said to be the size of a fly. Overview: This huge string-like bacterium can grow up ..



Indian SARS – CoV – 2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG)

INSACOG is a multi-lab agency. It was established by the Government of India in 2020 to monitor the genomic variations of COVID-19. In the beginning, there were ten labs. The number has now increased largely. About INSACOG The labs identify ..



Genome Study on Endangered Sumatran rhinoceros

The researchers at the Centre for Palaeogenetics, Stockholm showed that the populations of Sumatran Rhinoceros displayed low levels of inbreeding. About the Genome Study In order to investigate their inbreeding levels, the researchers had sequenced the genomes from 16 rhinos ..


UK’s new strain of coronavirus

India and several other countries have suspended their flights from United Kingdom due to the concerns about the new variant of COVID-19 that is spreading rapidly in the country. What are the concerns? A mutant of COVID-19 has been the ..


GBRC scientists find three new mutations of COVID-19

On April 17, 2020, the scientists at Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre (GBRC) have found three new mutations of COVID-19 virus. With this, GBRC becomes the first government laboratory in the country to sequence whole genome of COVID-19. Highlights There are ..


India begins working on Genome Sequencing of COVID-19

The CCMB (Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology), CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) and IGIB (Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology) are working on genome sequencing of COVID-19. Highlights The Genome Sequencing is being done to understand the ..


GoI clears Genome India Project

The Department of Biotechnology operating under Ministry of Science and Technology has cleared Genome India Project. More than 20 leading institutions including IISc Bengaluru are to participate in the project. Highlights The project will at its first phase take samples ..


Pangolin identified as the host of Corona Virus in China

On February 7, 2020, the most trafficked mammal of Asia, Pangolin was identified as the host of the virus by the researchers of China. According to them, the outbreak that killed around 636 people in China has started from a ..
