Page-3 of GDP
SBI revises FY22 GDP projection to 7.9%
Economic research department of State Bank of India has published “Ecowrap 2021” report and revised real GDP projection for Financial Year 2022 to 7.9 percent from 10.4 percent earlier. Report highlights disproportionately larger impact of second wave of Covid-19 pandemic ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2021
S&P cuts India’s GDP growth forecast to 9.8% for FY22
The US based rating Agency S and P recently cut the growth forecast of India to 9.8% for 2021-22. In March 2021, the agency expected 11% GDP growth in the country. According to the agency, the second wave might derail ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2021
SIPRI report on Military Spending
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute recently released its “Trends in world Military Expenditure” report. According to the report, the top military spenders in the world are the United States, China and India. These three countries alone contributed 62% global ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
SBI Report: FY22 growth at 10.4%,
The State Bank of India recently revised the growth of India for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 to 10.4%. Earlier, the bank had predicted the growth rate as 11%. SBI has curbed the growth rate of the country due to the ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
IMF: India’s Debt to GDP increased to 90%
The International Monetary Fund recently announced that the debt to GDP ratio of India increased from 74% to 90% due to COVID-19 crisis. This is to increase to 99% in 2021. The international financial organisation has also stated that this ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
Moody’s GDP Forecast- Key Highlights
The Rating agency Moody’s have recently forecasted that the nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India will rise closer to 17% in the Financial Year 2021. Key Highlights The US-based rating agency further forecasts that, India’s fiscal deficit projections are ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2021
Union Budget 2021-2022- Summary
The 2021-22 Union Budget was presented amid the COVID-19 pandemic on February 1, 2021. Since the 2020 budget, the Indian economy have reduced from 2.24 lakh crore nominal GDP to Rs 1.94 lakh crore. This reduction in the size of ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2021
Oxfam Report: The Inequality Virus
The Oxfam has recently published its report titled “The Inequality Virus”. In its report, the Oxfam finds that the COVID-19 pandemic has deepen the existing inequalities in India and across the world. Key Findings of the report As per the ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2021
Global Economic Prospects Report
The World Bank recently released the Global Economic Prospects report. What are the key findings of the Global Economic Prospects report? According to the report the Indian economy is to contract by 9.6% in 2020-21. The Indian economy is to ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2021
Asian Development Outlook
The Asian Development Bank recently released the Asian Development Outlook. Under its outlook, the Asian Development Bank projected that Indian economy is to contract by – 8% in the fiscal year 2020-21. Earlier it was estimated by the bank that ..