Page-2 of Financial regulation
FATF Decides to Keep Pakistan in Grey List
International terror financing watchdog, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has decided to keep Pakistan on its grey list, despite India’s push to blacklist it in the aftermath of Pulwama terror attack. The decision was recently taken at the end ..
Union Cabinet to set up an unified authority for regulating all financial services in IFSC
The Union Cabinet has recently approved establishment of a unified authority for regulating all financial services in International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs) in India through IFSCs Authority Bill of 2019. The establishment of a unified financial regulator for IFSCs will ..
Pravin Kutumbe head of IRDAI committee to identify Systemically Important Insurers (SII)
Insurance regulator IRDAI has constituted a committee that will not only facilitate in identifying the Systemically Important Insurers (SIIs), but also recommend enhanced supervision measures for them. The committee headed by IRDAI member (finance and investment) Pravin Kutumbe will submit ..
Israel becomes a full member of Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Israel has recently become a full member of the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global financial watchdog on money laundering, terror financing and other threats to the international financial system. The FATF is empowered to ensure that financing ..
Indian Accounting Standards (IND-AS)
Indian Accounting Standard (abbreviated as Ind-AS) is the Accounting standard adopted by companies in India and issued under the supervision of Accounting Standards Board (ASB) which was constituted as a body in the year 1977. ASB is a committee under Institute of Chartered Accountants of ..
Financial Stability Board
After the global financial crisis of 2007, the G-20 has created an institution called Financial Stability Board to design sophisticated regulation measures for banks to prevent future bank failure. Beside this, the central banks of each country identify Domestic Systemically ..
China elected as vice-president of Financial Action Task Force
China has been elected as the vice-president of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) at the plenary meeting in Paris on February 23, 2018. In its plenary meeting, the FATF placed Pakistan under “grey list” to monitoring in its International ..
Urjit Patel appointed as advisory board member of Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of BIS
RBI Governor Urjit Patel has been appointed as advisory board member of the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the Bank of International Settlement (BIS). The FSI assists financial sector authorities worldwide in strengthening their financial systems. The FSI was jointly ..
Ministry of Corporate Affairs signed an MoU with Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) for automatic and regular exchange of information
The Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) have signed a MoU for automatic and regular exchange of information to curb the menace of shell companies, money laundering and black money in the country. ..
Core Investment Companies in India
Core Investment Companies (CICs) are a unique category of non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) in India. They focus on investing in shares and securities of group companies. CICs primarily serve the purpose of holding and managing investments in subsidiaries and associates. ..