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India is 42nd participating State of Wassenaar Arrangement

India has become the 42nd participating State of Wassenaar Arrangement after completing the internal procedures in Vienna on December 8, 2017. The membership will facilitate high-technology tie-ups for country’s defence and space programmes. This membership is the second diplomatic success ..

China launches WTO dispute resolution case against US, EU

China has launched a dispute resolution case against US and EU at the World Trade Organisation regarding the surrogate country approach followed by the US and EU to calculate anti-dumping measures against exports from China. When China joined the WTO in 2001, it ..

US government extended the generalised system of preferences (GSP) for Indian exporters

India’s 3,500 products got duty free entry as US government extended the generalised system of preferences (GSP) for Indian exporters on 4 August 2015. This move by US government will benefit Indian exporters to export range of products from engineering to chemicals to their biggest ..


Annual Foreign Trade Policy 2007-08

The Annual Supplement 2007-08 to the National Foreign Trade Policy (2004-09) was announced by Shri Kamal Nath, Union Minister for Commerce & industry on April 19, 2007. 1. Exemption from Service Tax on services (related to exports) rendered abroad: Government ..

Foreign Trade Policy 2004-09

1. The new Foreign Trade Policy of the Union Government was unveiled by the commerce Minister Shri. Kamal Nath on August 31, 2004. With foreign trade largely freed and import duties falling progressively, the policy have necessarily restricted itself to ..

Exim Policy 2002-07 (main points)

1. The EXIM Policy for 2002-07 which came in effect on 1st April, 2002 was the first policy which had to be formulated keeping in view all the commitments India had made under the WTO. In 2001, all quantitative restrictions ..

Annual Supplement to Foreign Trade Policy (2005-2006)

Minister for Commerce & Industry, Government of India Mr. Kamal Nath had announced Annual Supplement 2005, to the Foreign Trade Policy 2004-09 on the 8th April 2005.Main Points:1. Setting up an Inter State Trade Council to engage the State Governments ..