Page-2 of Exoplanets

Scientists discover water vapor in atmosphere of a super-Earth “K2-18b”

For the first time, the astronomers at the University College London have discovered water vapour in the atmosphere of an Earth-size planet called K2-18b. They used data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The exoplanet “K2-18b” is 8-times the mass of ..

NASA discovers first nearby super-earth planet GJ357d

The NASA scientists have characterized the first potentially habitable world outside our own solar system that may be suitable for life. The super-earth planet — named GJ 357 d — was spotted by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission. ..

Insight Mars lander detects likely Marsquake

National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) InSight lander spacecraft has detected what’s believed to be a “marsquake” on the Red Planet. NASA scientists are still working to confirm the source of the faint trembling. Scientists believe the trembling may not ..


Over 100 new exoplanets discovered using NASA’s Kepler Space telescope

Scientists have discovered cache over 100 new exoplanets using data from NASA’s Kepler Space telescope (KST) as well as ground-based observatories. Exoplanet also called as extrasolar planet, is planet that orbits star other than Sun. The discovery of 100 new ..


K2-229b: Hot, metallic Earth-sized planet discovered

Scientists using Kepler 2 telescope have discovered hot, metallic, Earth-sized planet named K2-229b orbiting dwarf star located 260 million light years away. They had employed Doppler spectroscopy technique also known as ‘wobble method‘ to discover and characterise this faraway planet. K2-229b ..


TESS: NASA, SpaceX collaborate to search for exoplanets

NASA has partnered with private space launching company SpaceX to launch Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to search for exoplanets using the transit method. TESS is designed to carry out first spaceborne all-sky transiting exoplanet survey. It is equipped with ..


Scientists discover 100 new exoplanets using K2 mission data

Scientists have confirmed discovery of nearly 100 new exoplanets outside our solar system based on data from second mission of NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope (K2 mission) released in 2014. With this total number of exoplanets found using NASA’s K2 mission ..


Roundest known Space Object discovered

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and the University of Gottingen in Germany have discovered the star Kepler 11145123, which is claimed to be the roundest natural object in space ever measured. The scientists have measured ..

Researchers discover a “super-Earth” type planet – GJ 536 b

Scientists have discovered a “super-Earth” type planet, GJ 536 b, in orbit around a nearby very bright star. The exoplanet has a mass of around 5.4 Earth masses and is not within the star’s habitable zone. It is orbiting a ..

Current Affairs : August 12, 2011

Cells that Can Destroy Leukemia developed by US Scientists U.S. scientists developed cells that can destroy leukemia in three weeks That could lead to new and effective treatments for deadly blood cancer A new engineering technique involving leukemia patients treated ..
