
Most Reflective Exoplanet

Exploring the vast expanse of space has always been an intriguing endeavor for astronomers and scientists alike. Over the years, numerous planets outside our Solar System, known as exoplanets, have been discovered, each presenting its own set of unique characteristics. ..



PARAS Spectrograph Discovers Dense Exoplanet

The exploration of the universe continues to unveil exciting discoveries, and the recent detection of a dense exoplanet has sparked immense interest among scientists and space enthusiasts alike. Density: A Remarkable Finding One of the key aspects of this newly ..



Terminator Zones

Scientists from the University of California, Irvine have conducted a study that suggests the possibility of alien life existing in the “terminator zones” of exoplanets. These zones are areas that are not too hot or too cold, and are therefore ..



James Webb telescope: Discovery of water on distant planet

James Webb Telescope will help in discovery of water on distant planet. This telescope will help the researchers in measuring the chemical makeup of atmospheres of planets across other stars. Researchers hope that, one or more of the planets will show chemical signature of ..



NASA: Confirmation of 5000 Exoplanets

65 new planets have been discovered by NASA outside the Earth’s solar system. This new discovery takes the total number of exoplanets that have been discovered to over 5000. Some of these discovered planets are Earth-like. Overview: This newly discovered ..



WASP-107b: Giant Exoplanet has low core mass

The researchers studying about the WASP-107b have recently found that the core mass of the giant exoplanet is much lower than what was previously assumed. Recent Study on WASP-107b WASP-107b is an exoplanet and was discovered in 2017. Earlier, the ..


What is Planet Nine?

Planet Nine is a hypothetical planet that is said to be 10 times the size of the Earth and orbits far beyond Neptune a highly eccentric orbit around the Sun. It was first proposed in 2012 to explain perturbations in ..


NASA satellite finds 66 new exoplanets

The NASA’s planet-hunter TESS has found 66 exoplanets or worlds beyond our solar system, as well as nearly 2100 candidates as such candidates on which the astronomers are working to confirm if they have the chances to be called as ..


Existence of Earth like planet orbiting Proxima Centauri confirmed

On May 30, 2020, the international team of scientists confirmed the existence of the planet that is of the size of the earth. The planet is revolving Proxima Centauri star in the Alpha Centauri star system. Highlights The planet has ..


Hubble Telescope finds Water Vapour on Habitable-Zone Exoplanet

For the first time have Astronomers have discovered water vapour signatures in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our solar system that resides in the habitable zone (the region around a star which can support liquid water given sufficient atmospheric ..