Page-3 of Exoplanet

2019 Nobel Prize – Physics

The 2019 Nobel prize for Physics was awarded to Swiss Scientists Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz and Canadian – American physicist James Peebles. One half of the prize was won by the American for his contribution towards “Theoretical discoveries in ..


GJ 357 d: NASA’s TESS discovers 1st nearby super-earth

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission has discovered GJ 357 d, a super-Earth planet located 31 light years away from our own solar system. Researchers claim that it is the first nearby “super-Earth” planet that could possibly support life ..


The researchers at University of Warwick in UK discover a rogue exoplanet

The researchers at the University of Warwick in the UK have discovered a rogue exoplanet – NGTS-4b – with its own atmosphere in the Neptunian Desert. The Neptunian Desert is the region close to stars where no Neptune-sized planets are ..

TESS Mission of NASA discovers its first Earth-size planet – HD 21749c

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Mission of NASA has discovered its first Earth-size planet – HD 21749c. The newly-discovered planet is about 89% Earth’s diameter. The planet is likely very hot, with surface temperatures perhaps as high as 800 ..

Scientists discover new Saturn like planet 60 times bigger than Earth

Astronomers have discovered a new exoplanet using NASA’s exoplanet-hunting space telescope, TESS. The exoplanet is said to be 60 times bigger than our planet and is five-billion-year-old planet. The exoplanet is dubbed TOI-197.0 or “hot Saturn” because of its size ..

NASA launches its newest planet-hunting spacecraft “TESS” to search for alien worlds

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has launched its newest planet-hunting spacecraft, Transit Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) from Cape Canaveral in Florida on a mission to find thousands of new worlds beyond our Solar System. The mission will survey ..


NASA's Kepler Telescope finds 10 Earth-Like Planets

NASA’s Kepler Telescope has identified 10 Earth-like planets outside the solar system that are expected to host life due to their right size and temperature. This finding is a boost  in the hope for life elsewhere. Exoplanet: It is a ..


Fact Box: Hottest Known Planet in Universe

Scientists have discovered the hottest known exoplanet, designated KELT-9b which is warmer than most stars in the universe. The study has been published in the journal Nature. Exoplanet is a planet that does not orbit the Sun and instead orbits a different star, ..


LHS 1140b: Another planet in habitable zone discovered

Astronomers have discovered yet another planet, called LHS1140b, which is expected to be present in the Goldilocks Zone. It’s not so far away, either. It is found orbiting around the star LHS 1140 some 39 light-years away. Goldilocks Zone refers ..


Astronomers discover 7 new Earth-sized exoplanets that may sustain life

Astronomers from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) for the first time have discovered seven new Earth-sized exoplanets that may be able to sustain life. The planets were detected using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and several ground-based observatories including Trappist ..
