Page-13 of Europe
“European Golden Boot” to Lionel Messi
Star footballer of Barcelona, Lionel Messi, bagged European Golden Boot Award. The award has been given to him in recognition to his record 50 goals scored in the Europe’s domestic football league. It is the second Golden Boot award for ..
Antonis Samara: New Prime Minister of Greece
The leader Antonis Samara, leader of New Democracy Party (NDP), a sworn in as the Prime Minister of Greece. Samaras’s clinched 129 seats of 300 in the parliamentary elections. The NDP formed the new government with the support of socialist ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012
Agreement signed b/w India & Finland to boost cooperation on social security
India and Finland inked pact in New Delhi to boost bilateral cooperation on social security. Subsequent to the agreement: No social security contribution will be paid by detached Indian nationals working on a short term contract up to 5 years ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012