Page-6 of EU

British PM pledges referendum on EU membership if re-elected

British people may have a choice of opting out of European Union or staying with it, as promised by British Prime Minister David Cameron. He has pledged to hold a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union if his ..



EU encourages potato as a replacement of rice in Asia

The EU is increasingly promoting potato as crop which can replace rice as a staple in the Asian rice-consuming countries. As per researchers: Potato, which is a ‘tuber crop’, requires less amount of water to grow as compared to other ..



European Union receives 2012 Nobel Peace Prize

The 27- nation bloc, the European Union, received 2012Nobel Peace Prize for turning Europe "from a continent of war to a continent of peace" in the wake of two world wars. The award was conferred by Norwegian Nobel Committee chairman ..



No resolution achieved during Antarctic Ocean sanctuary talks at CCAMLR

No resolution could be reached during the talks at the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), at Hobart in Australia. The commission is made up of 24 countries and the European Union. What is CCAMLR? Commission ..

