Page-9 of Environment

Extinct bird had an extra-long toe: Study

In 2014 fossil of Elektorornis chenguangi, a small bird which lived nearly 99 million years ago, with a weird elongated toe were discovered in amber tree resin in  Hukawng Valley of Myanmar. The study was led by Lida Xing, a ..


Short Note : Plan Bee

To curb the rising menace of elephant deaths on its tracks due to ongoing trains, the Indian Railways has deployed an innovative method to move the elephants away from the railway tracks. What is Plan Bee? The Indian Railways is ..

Tech in Focus : Bioplastics

Plastic is the 3rd most commonly used petroleum product in the world with200 million tons of plastic are consumed annually on the planet. Plastic comes from a non-renewable source (petroleum) and is highly contaminating and non-biodegradable. Plastics take over 1000 ..

29 June: International Day of the Tropics

Every year 29 June is observed across the world as International Day of the Tropics, to celebrate extraordinary diversity of tropics while also highlighting unique challenges and opportunities Tropical nations face. About International Day of the Tropics Background: On 14 ..


One Health Concept

The One Health concept is summarized by the World Organization of Animal Health as human health and animal health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems in which they exist . The origin of the concept can ..

Inger Andersen takes over as head of UNEP

Inger Andersen of Denmark takes charge as Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). United Nations Environment Programme The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is an initiative of the United Nations. UNEP is a leading environmental authority in ..

Hawa Aane De Song Campaign

The theme song for the World Environment Day 2019 Hawa Aane De was launched. The theme song gives a call for all to come together to combat the environmental challenges and urges each one to explore green technologies and measures ..

40% of Amphibian Species threatened: IPBES Report

According to a study, called Global Assessment about 40% of amphibian species and more than a third (33%) of all marine mammals are threatened. The report released by Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) was compiled by ..


Tropical forest size of England destroyed in 2018: WRI report

As per recently published US-based World Resources Institute (WRI) report, world lost 12 million hectares (30 million acres) of tropical tree cover in 2018. It is fourth largest annual decline since global satellite data become available in 2001. According to ..


1 million species risk extinction due to humans: Draft UN report

According to draft of UN report set to be released on May 6, 2019, up to One million world species are at risk of extinction due to human activity.  It highlights how humanity has undermined natural resources upon which its ..
