Page-8 of Environment
Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic which are one of the most common pollutants in the environment. As per the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), microplastics are not some unique kind of plastic but any type of plastic ..
Forest Fires in The Amazon Rainforests
The rapidly changing climate has led to a rise in global temperatures worldwide. The change in climate can be attributed with doubt to human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. However, there are a few bulwarks before runaway climate ..
Railways bans use of single-use plastic
The world is actually littered with plastics. The rapid pilferation of plastics has contaminated land spaces and takes up massive amounts of dump fill space. The pollution is even more critical as plastics take a long time to degrade. What ..
Government releases Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy
Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) recently released Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy, 2019. It has invited comments and suggestions from stakeholders including public/private organizations, experts and concerned citizens on the draft policy. Features of Draft National ..
Month: Current Affairs - August, 2019
Noctiluca algae
The Noctiluca scintillans (or the Noctiluca miliaris) algae which is more commonly referred to as the sea sparkle is a free-ranging marine species of dinoflagellate algae. It has the unique property to exhibit bioluminescence (light generation) when it is disturbed ..
World’s Highest Lake Discovered in the Nepal
A lake which has been recently discovered in Nepal is officially set to be the world’s highest lake, once the record keepers are able to verify its elevation. If confirmed, the new lake will be the world’s highest lake replacing ..
Scientist discover way to turn cactus leaves in Biodegradable Plastics
Researcher from Mexico has discovered way to turn cactus leaves into non toxic and biodegradable material with similar properties to plastic. This innovation offers a promising solution to one of the world’s biggest pollution conundrums caused by toxic and non-biodegradable ..
Month: Current Affairs - August, 2019
Economic Development of the North-East
For the economic development of the north-eastern states, the Indian Government is investing money and leveraging modern technology to help the locals economize their domestic produce. These include bamboo products, bird feathers, traditional clothing items, and beverages.? One such area ..
Palau becomes 76th signatory country to join International Solar Alliance (ISA) Framework Agreement
Palau, an archipelago of over 500 islands in Oceania, has become the 76th signatory country to join the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Framework Agreement. The ISA is a group of 121 solar resource-rich countries with headquarters in Gurugram, India. The ..
Other Environment Related Laws
The Constitution and Fundamental Rights Related to Environment Constitution does not directly contain a fundamental right to a clean environment, but courts have interpreted Article 21 on the fundamental Right to Life and Personal Liberty to include the right to ..