Page-35 of Environment
In a first, ‘White tiger’ spotted in Nilgiris
A photographer named Nilanjan Ray is believed to have spotted a rare ‘white tiger’ with a pale skin colour for the first time in the Nilgiris. The discovery has aroused interest among conservationists and forest officials. It is yet to be ascertained whether the white tiger is a true ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2017
India’s TERI ranked second among world's climate think tanks
New Delhi-based The Energy Resources Institute (TERI) was ranked second among world’s best climate think tank by the International Centre for Climate Governance (ICCG). TERI was ranked number two under the category ‘2016 Top Climate Think Tanks in the Rest ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2017
Sunderbans mangrove depleting alarmingly: Study
Data obtained from latest study conducted using remote sensing and GIS for the first time has offered definite proof that the mangrove forest cover in Indian Sunderbans has been depleting alarmingly. From 1986 to 2012, 124.418 sq km or about ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2017
Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 Launched
Minister of State for Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy and Mines has launched the Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 (ECBC 2017). This updated version of the Code prescribes the energy performance standards for new commercial buildings to be constructed across India. ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2017
Fact Box: Environmental Impact Survey
India has been ranked 75th out of 102 countries in a list that ranks the countries in terms of the human impact on environment per person. The ranking has been done by MoneySuperMarket, a UK-based financial services website. The ranking has been made based ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2017
NASA: May 2017 is the second hottest month in 137 years
According to NASA, May 2017 was the second hottest month in a span of 137 years when modern record-keeping of average global temperatures had commenced. The temperature of May 2017 was 0.88 degrees Celsius warmer than the mean May temperature from 1951-1980. May ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2017
Kerala Government implements Green Protocol for making Weddings more Nature Friendly
Kerala State government has come out with a green protocol to make the weddings in the state more nature-friendly. Salient Highlights As per the protocol, plastic and other non-biodegradable articles including disposable glasses and plates and thermocol decorations will not be ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2017
India’s biodiversity riches increases by 499 species
According to the Animal Discoveries 2016, New Species and Records, brought out by the Zoological Survey of India and Plant Discoveries 2016, by the Botanical Survey of India, 499 new species have been discovered from various parts of the country last year. Salient Highlights ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2017
National Board of Wildlife Clears Rutland Island for DRDO's Missile Testing Project
The National Board of Wildlife has approved Rutland Island in South Andaman to be the site for the country’s long-range missile test facility. DRDO has been seeking the approval for the test facility since 2012. Taking into account the strategic importance of the project ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2017
June 5: World Environment Day
Every year World Environment Day (WED) is observed on 5 June to raise global awareness worldwide for the protection of our environment and the planet Earth. It is the single largest celebration of our environment each year. The celebration of World ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2017