Page-3 of Energy policy
The 2017 National Energy Conservation Day (NECD)
The National Energy Conservation Day (NECD) is celebrated every year in India by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under Ministry of Power, on December 14 with an aim to demonstrate India’s achievements in energy efficiency and conservation, while working for ..
India signs pact with Germanu to improve grid integration of renewable energy
India and Germany has recently signed pact on technical cooperation under the Indo-German Energy Programme – Green Energy Corridors (IGEN-GEC). The main purpose of this programme component is to improve the sector framework and conditions for grid integration of renewable ..
Third Industrial Revolution – What are Drivers? – DK Majhi
Throughout the history, economic transformation occurs when new energy system occurs and converge with new communication technology.The new form of communication become the medium for organising and managing the civilisation with the help of new source of energy. In this ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012
Third industrial Revolution: What are drivers?- Palak Chandra
In simple terms, a definite and complete change in the livelihood and the organization of an area in a short period of time which brings about the betterment of the social, political, economic, and cultural lives of people is said ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012
Russia & Bangladesh ink MOU’s for Bangladesh’s first nuclear power plant
Bangladesh and Russia inked two MoU’s as a measure to step up co-operation to build Bangladesh’s first nuclear power plant. According to the MOUs: Russia will assist Bangladesh in developing the human resource required in nuclear power sector which include ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2012
Japan: New Nuclear Safety agency to come up
The Government of Japan has decided to establish a new nuclear regulatory agency, which shall be under the Environment Ministry rather than the trade ministry. The idea is to increase its independence after the country’s atomic disaster. The current Nuclear ..