Page-2 of Effects of global warming

“Climate Investment Opportunities in India’s Cooling Sector” Report

A new report titled “Climate Investment Opportunities in India’s Cooling Sector” was released by the World Bank in partnership with the state government of Kerala during the two-day India Climate and Development Partners’ Meet. What are the key findings of ..



State of the Climate Report for Australia

The State of the Climate Report for Australia was released on November 23, 2022. It is a biennial report released by Australia’s national science agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Bureau of Meteorology. It provides ..



‘Ambition on Melting Ice on Sea-level Rise and Mountain Water Resources’ Group

Eighteen countries have come together to form the ‘Ambition on Melting Ice on Sea-level Rise and Mountain Water Resources’ group. What is ‘Ambition on Melting Ice on Sea-level Rise and Mountain Water Resources’ group? Eighteen countries, led by two polar ..



Loss and Damage Fund

The United Nation’s COP27 climate summit recently approved the creation of the “Loss and Damage” Fund to compensate economically vulnerable countries for the damages caused by climate-linked disasters. What is “Loss and Damage Fund”? The Loss and Damage Fund is ..



Lancet Study on Heat-related deaths

The annual Lancet Countdown report was released recently. What is the Lancet Countdown report? The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change is an international, multidisciplinary report that monitors the changes in the health status of climate change. It is ..



Study on Fast Melting Arctic Ice and ocean acidification

Rapid melting of Arctic Ice is contributing the fast-paced acidification of ocean. Key facts An international team of researchers have found that acidity levels in the Arctic Ocean’s western region are raising 3 to 4 times faster than any other ..



Fridays for Future Campaign

Fridays for Future activists have launched climate change protests in Germany and other countries. Key facts About 280,000 people in over 270 cities and towns across Germany are taking part in demonstrations as part of the Fridays for Future movement. ..



Global Registry of Fossil Fuels

Global Registry of Fossil Fuels is the world’s first public database on fossil fuel reserves, production and emissions. Key features The Global Registry of Fossil Fuels is the “first-ever fully transparent” public database that tracks fossil fuels across the world. ..



Climate tipping point

A new research has revealed that an increase of 1.5 from pre-industrial levels would trigger multiple climate tipping points. Presently, some parts of West Antarctic ice sheets, an important marker, have already passed tipping point. Key facts Climate tipping points ..



What are the reasons of persistent extreme heat in Europe?

In July 2022, Poland and other parts of East Europe are suffering due to persistent extreme heat. Earlier, France recorded the hottest May in history. Temperatures across Europe are climbing again. Wildfires are also catching due to heat in many ..

