Economist Intelligence Unit

EIU Cost of Living Index 2022

The Worldwide Cost of Living 2022 report was released recently by the London-based  Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). It compares prices of more than 200 goods and services in 172 countries across the globe. What are the key findings of the ..



EIU updates ‘Inclusive Internet Index 2020’ list

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has recently updated the ‘Inclusive Internet Index 2020’ list, which includes 100 countries of the world. As per the updated list, Sweden topped the 2020 index followed by New Zealand and the United States. India’s ..

India ranked 35th in WEFFI 2019

As per the ‘Worldwide Educating for the Future Index (WEFFI) 2019’ report published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, India is ranked 35th on the overall index in 2019 with a total score of 53. India has jumped five ranks from ..

Economist Intelligence Unit lowers 2020 growth forecast to 2.2%

The Economist Intelligence Unit has lowered its global growth forecast for 2020 to 2.2%, from its earlier estimate of 2.3%. The dip was due to the new risks that have emerged following the virus outbreak in China, which was recently ..

India ranked 51st in Democracy Index by EIU

London based the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has released 2019 Democracy Index’s global ranking in which as per the report, India slipped 10 ranks to be placed in 51, this year. The overall score of India also came down to ..


Global Microscope for Financial Inclusion report 2019: EIU

The 2019 edition of ‘Global Microscope: The enabling environment for Financial Inclusion’ report was released by Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU). The report is a benchmarking index that assesses enabling environment for financial access as well as underscores the evolving landscape ..


India ranked 57th in Global Health Security Index, 2019

The GHS Index is a joint project of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), with research by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Global Health Security Index is first comprehensive assessment and benchmarking of ..

Global Livability Index 2019 lists the World’s Most Livable Cities

In the most recent rankings of the world’s most livable cities released by the Economist Intelligence Unit under the Global Livability Index 2019, Vienna, the capital of Austria has topped the list. What has happened? In the latest Global Livability ..