Page-8 of Economic growth
Economic Census begins at the National Capital Region
The seventh Economic Census was flagged off at the National Capital by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. This is the first time the Census is being carried out in Digital Platform. The Ministry has tied up with Common ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2020
US removed “Developing” Tag for India: What are its implications?
Recently, the United States of America removed the “developing” tag for dozens of countries. India is one amongst them. These countries are to be classified as developed economies Highlights The “Developing” status for a country in the US is associated ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2020
Teams set up by Health Ministry to monitor Corona Virus in villages at Nepal Border
The Ministry of Health has constituted teams to examine for Corona Virus in villages that are bordering Nepal. The spread of Corona Virus is increasing with number of people infected in China touching 70,000 as of February 17, 2020. Highlights ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2020
NSO releases revised estimates of India’s economic growth
The National Statistical Office released revised estimates for economic growth of India for the last three years, on January 31,2020. As per the report, it fixed the actual GDP growth 2018-19 at 6.1%, against its previous estimate of 6.8%, estimated ..
Economic Survey 2020 tabled in the Parliament by the Finance Minister
The Economic Survey of the Fiscal Year 2020 has been tabled in both the houses of Parliament. The survey highlights economic trends in the country, development over the past 12 months and facilitates better mobilization of resources. Highlights The Current ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
CII celebrates 125 years; Tamil Nadu CM launches new scheme at the event
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is celebrating its 125th birth anniversary in the year 2020. In order to commemorate its anniversary, the organization has been hosting several events in different parts of India under the theme Theme: CII@125: Business ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
UN Development Programme: Telangana tops sustainable growth goals performer list
According to the United National Development Programme (UNDP), Telangana has emerged the best performing states in terms of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It is to be noted that in December 2019, India released SDG India Index. India was the ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
Britain releases new 50 pence coin marking BREXIT
The British Government has unveiled a new 50 pence coin commemorating Brexit. The coin has the inscription “Peace, Prosperity and Friendship with all nations”. Around 3 million coins are to be distributed from post offices, banks and shops from January ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
Department of Biotechnology held International Summit on Women in STEM
On January 25, 2020, the Department of Biotechnology held an International Summit on Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) on the following theme Theme: Visualizing the Future: New Skylines The summit aimed to increase the participation of women ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2020
UNCTAD releases Global investment Trend report: India among top 10 recipients of FDI
On January 20, 2020, the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development released its report on Global Investment Trend Monitor Report for the year 2019. The Global FDI of the year 2019 was 1.39 trillion USD. This has declined by ..