Page-11 of Economic growth

India’s GDP forecast is 7.3% for FY19, as per World Bank’s 2019 Global Economic Prospects report

The World Bank has recently released 2019 Global Economic Prospects report titled “Darkening Skies”, which forecasted that India’s GDP is expected to grow at 7.3% in the fiscal year 2018-19, and 7.5% in the following two years. While, China’s economic ..

William Nordhaus and Paul Romer awarded as 2018 Nobel Prize for Economics

US duo William D. Nordhaus and Paul M. Romer have won the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for research “about innovation, climate and economic growth”. Laureate Romer was honoured for his work on the endogenous growth theory, which ..

ADB projects India’s GDP growth to 7.3%

According to Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s latest report “Asian Development Outlook (ADO)”, India’s GDP growth has been projected to rise 7.3% in current fiscal year FY19 (2018-19). The report, which was published in April 2018, stated that Indian economy’s growth ..

UN World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) report of mid 2018, India’s economy projected to grow 7.6%

As per latest UN World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) report of mid 2018, India’s economy is projected to grow 7.6% in fiscal year 2018-19 and 7.5% for FY 18. This is a substantial recovery from the 6.7% growth India ..

National Productivity Council

NPC is national level organization to promote productivity culture in India. Established by the Ministry of Industry, Government of India in 1958, it is an autonomous, multipartite, non-profit organization with equal representation from employers’ & workers’ organizations and Government, apart ..

ADB projects India’s economic growth to 7.3% in 2018-19

In its latest Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2018, the Manila-based Asian Development Bank (ADB) has stated that India’s economic growth is set to rise to 7.3% in 2018-19 and grow at 7.6% further in FY20 on the back of structural ..


India’s GDP growth forecast is 7.3% for FY 19, as per World Bank’s latest report

According to the World Bank’s latest report “India Development Update – India’s Growth Story”, India’s GDP growth has been projected at 7.3% for the financial year FY 19 (2018-19) and it is expected to accelerate further to 7.5% in 2019-20. ..

The 2018 National Productivity Day (NPD) observed on 12 February

The National Productivity Council (NPC) is observing National Productivity Day (NPD) on 12th February 2018, and National Productivity Week till 18th February. It is the 60th Anniversary of the National Productivity Council (NPC) and is being celebrated as Diamond Jubilee ..

India ranked 100th 2017 Legatum Prosperity Index (GPI)

India has been ranked 100th out of 149 countries at the 11th edition of Legatum Prosperity Index (LPI-2017). The index offers an insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world. It is the world’s leading global measure ..

World Bank (WB), reduced India’s GDP growth forecast to 7.0% for 2017-18 from 7.2%

The World Bank (WB), in its biannual economic update “South Asia Economic Focus (Fall 2017)”, has reduced India’s GDP growth forecast to 7.0% for 2017-18 from 7.2% estimated earlier. As per report, the unexpected slowdown in India’s growth story is ..