
NASA – Eyes on the Solar System Tool : 7 GK & Current Affairs Facts

Recently NASA has updated its 3D visualization ‘Eyes on the Solar System’ tool. This new and improved system now makes interplanetary travel easier and more interactive than before. Important Facts This latest edition of “Eyes on the Solar System” lets ..



Energy Budget of a planet

According to a new study, the imbalanced energy budget of the planet Mars can be a reason for dust storms occurring on it. What is a planet’s Energy Budget? The energy budget of a planet is the ratio of solar ..



NASA: Confirmation of 5000 Exoplanets

65 new planets have been discovered by NASA outside the Earth’s solar system. This new discovery takes the total number of exoplanets that have been discovered to over 5000. Some of these discovered planets are Earth-like. Overview: This newly discovered ..



What is a Blood Moon?

A Blood Moon occurs when the Moon of the Earth is on total lunar Eclipse. During this time, the moon looks red or ruddy brown. Thus it is called Blood Moon. The next Blood Moon is to occur on May ..


Earth’s Hidden Layer- Key Facts

Scientists have recently detected the signs of a hidden structure inside the core of Planet Earth. This sign has the potential to change the long-standing narrative of what lies at centre of Earth. This layer is being termed as the ..


Solar Eclipse in India

The Earth is to witness an annular solar eclipse on June 21, 2020. The eclipse is to be the deepest as the moon is to cover 98.8% of the sun. Highlights There are four types of solar eclipses. They are ..


Existence of Earth like planet orbiting Proxima Centauri confirmed

On May 30, 2020, the international team of scientists confirmed the existence of the planet that is of the size of the earth. The planet is revolving Proxima Centauri star in the Alpha Centauri star system. Highlights The planet has ..


March Equinox

The Spring Equinox of 2020 falls on March 20th -marking the start of astronomical spring for the Northern Hemisphere. Equinox The term equinox is derived from Latin words ‘equi’ meaning equal and ‘nox’ meaning night. It is the day when ..

Google Earth covers 98 percent of the Entire Population

Google Earth developed by the global search engine, Google has revealed that it now covers more than 98 percent of the world population, and has 10 million miles of street view imagery captured. 10 million miles is equal to a ..

Arctic Ocean sea-ice is declining: Study

According to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the U.S., Arctic Ocean may be ice-free for part of year starting sometimes between 2044 and 2067.  Satellite observations show ..