Page-8 of Donald Trump

Migrants come to the US like it’s a picnic, says Trump

US President Donald Trump in the Oval Office alongside visiting Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi said that ‘They(migrants) are coming like it’s a picnic, like ‘let’s go to Disneyland,’. He has blamed Obama for the practice of separating migrant ..

US Homeland Security Chief Kirstjen Nielsen resigns

US Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has announced her resignation in a move connected by observers to the president’s anger over Central American border crossers. She used to be the front-line defender of the administration’s controversial immigration policies. Her resignation has ..

China US trade deal

Last week, President Xi Jingping welcomed a new consensus. The list of US grievances against Chinese trade practices is long. It includes forced technology transfers, inadequate protection of intellectual property rights, subsidization of trading activities, etc. Trump administration wants the ..

Kristjen Nielsen, the homeland security resigns

Kristjen Nielsen, the homeland security who enforced many of Trump’s border policies resigned. President Trump said on Tuesday that she will temporarily be replaced by Custom and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan. Ms Nielsan was given the responsibility of implementing ..

Person wearing “MAGA” hat attacked man with sword

According to the SanFransico Police, a person was wearing a signature hat from President Trump’s campaign. He was attacked by a person with a sword. The person wore the MAGA hat and attacked the victim in his hand. MAGA is ..

End of Obamacare?

Obamacare program that offers health insurance to the Americans was offered to be tossed down. The Trump administration told the federal court that the Affordable care act was uncertain. Around 17 Demovratic attorneys have filed documents to defend the health ..

Trump threatens to close the Mexican border

There are already many more waiting at the Mexican border to enter USA. Many more are joining to enter. The Border officials ordered to allow the immigrants who were crossing the border to meet their relatives in the US skipping ..

President Trump threats to close Mexico border next week

The President of United States of America, Donald Trump has reiterated his threat that he will shut down the southern border of US with Mexico or huge sections of it if the latter does not put an end to passage ..

Trump backs off Olympics funding

The Education budget proposal calls to eliminate special Olmpics funding. President Trump has welcomed the proposal. In USA, the Congress is responsible for creating the annual budget. It is mainly includes health, milittary expenses, education. Apart from this the President ..

Trump veto on Mexican border emergency: House fails

President Trump declared national emergency at the US Mexico border. When the resolution was put tovote, the house failed to produce the two – third majority required from the democrats. The vote was 248 – 181.  The President’s fight toget ..