Page-7 of Donald Trump
Switzerland removed from US currency watchlist
The Trump administration has recently removed India and Switzerland from its currency monitoring list of major trading partners. Both the countries were removed from the list because for two consecutive reports they had both met only one of three criteria ..
Russia President Putin signs “Sovereign Internet” law
Russian President Vladimir Putin on 2 May 2019 signed into law a “sovereign internet” bill which will allow Russian authorities to isolate the country’s internet. The move expands Government Control of Internet, is being publicly denounced by all rights groups ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2019
US Withdraws From UN Arms Trade Treaty
US President Donald Trump stated that his administration is withdrawing the U.S. signature from the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, in response to concerns from gun rights activists that it could impinge on Americans’ right to bear arms. Former US President ..
US: No waiver for China on stopping purchase of Iranian Oil
The Trump administration has stated that there will be no short-term waiver or any wind-down period over China’s oil purchases from the Republic of Iran in the wake of the recent announcement made by Washington that the customers of Iran ..
Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) not to be ratified by US
US President Donald Trump announced that USA will not abide by and will never ratify Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), a UN treaty aimed at regulating global arms trade. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) With aim of regulating international trade in conventional ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2019
Kim Jong Un: US acted in “bad faith” at Hanoi
The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has stated during his summit with Russian President Putin that US had acted in bad faith at Hanoi talks. The Hanoi Summit between USA and North Korea had taken place in February 2019 ..
Iran declares US Army as “Terrorist” Organisation
Iran declares US Army as “Terrorist” Organisation thus marking a major retaliatory step within weeks of US declaring elite Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist outfit. The approval of the Bill in the Iranian Parliament has come one ..
Russia dismisses findings of long-awaited report by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller
Russia has recently dismissed the findings of the long-awaited report by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller and said that it failed to present any evidence of Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections. The report titled “Report on the Investigation ..
North Korea: Kim Jong Un sets deadline for US Summit
Kim Jong Un the North Korean leader has expressed his willingness for holding a third summit with the US President Donald Trump. He has also stated that the failure to reach conclusive terms which are acceptable to both may lead ..
China: Trade talk with US improving
China and US have been on trade are for the last one year. This affected many countries globally especially in Asia. The conditions are now improving. The Chinese Government recently said that the talks with the US are improving after ..