Bharatiya Vayuyan Vidheyak, 2024

A new bill, the Bharatiya Vayuyan Vidheyak, 2024, was introduced by Union Aviation Minister Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu. This bill replaces the outdated Aircraft Act of 1934, which was passed in the Lok Sabha in August 2024. The bill responds to ..



IIT Kanpur Conducts Test Flight for Cloud Seeding

The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) has recently undertaken a significant test flight with the aim of cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is a process that involves the introduction of various chemical agents into clouds to enhance the chances of ..



DGCA approves Hindustan 228 aircraft of HAL

The Director General of Civil Aviation recently granted permission to HAL to build Hindustan 228 variant aircraft. The Hindustan-228-201W is a 19-seater. Take off weight of the aircraft is 5695 kg. The variant requires fewer pilot requirements. Any pilot with ..



DGCA: Domestic Air Traffic increases in India

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation releases reports on all Indian carriers on monthly basis. According to the recently released report of January 2023, air traffic has increased significantly. As compared to 2022, the growth of air traffic has increased ..



HANSA-NG: New-Gen two-seater flying trainer aircraft

‘HANSA-NG’, the new generation two-seater flying trainer aircraft completed the in-flight engine relight test. Where was the aircraft tested? The test was conducted at the aeronautical test range (ATR) facility of the Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) at Challakere, Chitradurga ..



DGCA Surveillance Plan

A surveillance mechanism has been rolled out by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCS) with the aim of identifying non–compliance with flight safety standards and alerting the authorities that are authorized for taking urgent corrective action to resolve the ..



DGCA Child Restraint System

An advisory to implement the Child Restraint System which is specifically designed to restrain and protect a child or infant during all phases of flight has been sent to all the airline operators in India by the Directorate General of ..



Aircraft (Amendment) Bill, 2020

The Aircraft (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was passed by Parliament. Earlier, it was passed in the Lok Sabha on March 17, 2020. The Bill was passed by a voice vote. Key Provisions of the Bill The Bill provides statutory status to ..


Under air bubble agreement, Indians with any valid VISA can fly to US, UK and Canada

Indians holding any kind of visa valid under the ‘Air Bubbles’ agreement can travel to the UK, USA, Canada and the UAE, according to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. This comes after the earlier rule of the European Union ..


Drone Incubation Fund Allocation Slashed to Less than Rs 500 Crores

The Central Government has announced that its incubation fund, named as DISHA, aimed at the promotion of indigenous manufacturing of unmanned aerial vehicles, will be allocated less than Rs 500 crores, in the wake of the recession triggered by the ..
