Page-2 of Dengue fever

World's first public dengue vaccination programme launched in Philippines

The world’s first public dengue vaccination programme was launched in the Philippines with a French drug Dengvaxia (world’s 1st dengue fever vaccine) to combat mosquito-borne disease. Several hundred children aged between 9 and 10 were vaccinated with the injections in ..


Mexico Government approves world’s 1st Dengue fever vaccine named Dengvaxia

Mexico Government has approved world’s first-ever Dengue fever vaccine branded as Dengvaxia for the public use. Key facts Dengvaxia has been manufactured by French pharmaceutical manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur. It has been designed to protect people in the 9-45 age groups ..


Squalamine: The Wonder Drug from Sharks

Squalamine is a Wonder drug from a compound found Shark Fishes. Its a strong naturally derived broad-spectrum antibiotic that is predominantly derived from the livers of dogfish and other shark species and can be helpful in Dengue, Yellow Fever, Hepatitis. ..


Bacteria Wolbachia to Prevent Dengue

Recently, the scientists in Australia have discovered an inexpensive and effectual way to avoid transmission of dengue fever. A simple bacterium called “Wolbachia” that only infects insects could prevent dengue in its tracks. Researchers infected mosquitoes, with bacterium that blocks ..


List of Human Diseases Caused By Bacteria and Viruses

Disease Causing Agent Infection / Transmission AIDS Human T -cell Leukemia Virus HTLV-III blood and sperms , thru sexual contact homo or heterosexual) Ascariasis Ascaris lumbricoides raw vegetables infected with eggs Athletes’ Foot Trichophyton bad foot hygiene Bacillary Dysentery Shigella ..