Page-4 of CSIR

CSIR produces Protein Enriched Biscuits for COVID-19 patients

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR-CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute) has made protein rich biscuits for COVID-19 patients. The biscuits have been sent to the COVID-19 patients in AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Science). Highlights The ..


Core Strategy Group formed in CSIR

On April 13, 2020, a core strategy group was formed in CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research). The group will work towards rapid and economical diagnostics, digital and molecular surveillance and repurposing of drugs. Concerns The GoI has not ..


GoI to provide “Mass Manufacturing Ready” hardware and software for free

On April 9, 2020, the CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) tied up with Bharat Electronics Limited to develop mass manufacturing technologies (hardware and software). The technologies are to focus on production of medical devices. These technologies after creation ..


GoI: Scientific Services by CSIR to mitigate COVID-19

The CSIR-CERCRI (Central Electrochemical Research Institute) has come out with scientific services to mitigate COVID-19. The Centre has made series of lab made PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment). Highlights India is currently on the line of facing shortage of PPEs. In ..


CSIR IHBT Hand Sanitizers

Scientists at the CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology in Himachal Pradesh have developed a hand sanitizer in light of the increase in demand for such products across India. Hand Sanitizers Hand sanitizers are sanitation products used for neutralising infectious agents ..

CSIR develops new Hand Sanitizer without using chemicals

The Scientists at the CSIR-IHBT (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology) has developed a new sanitizer without using chemicals. Highlights The scientists have used active tea constituents, alcohol and have developed the sanitizer according to the ..


Bi-luminescent Security Ink

The CSIR and National Physical Laboratory have developed a bi-luminescent security ink and dispatched to the Bank Note Press in Dewas. About the Ink The bi-luminescent security ink glows in 2 colors- red and green when exposed to radiation of ..

CSIR develops Bi-Luminescent Security ink to Curb Fake Currency Notes

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research along with National Physical Laboratory recently discovered a bi-luminescent security ink. The ink shall be used to counterfeit currency notes. Also, it shows two colours when exposed to light. About the Ink The ..


Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) tops in Nature Ranking Index-2020

The CSIR of Delhi topped the National Ranking Index 2020 that ranks the scientific research institutes. CSIR was followed by IISc Bangalore. Highlights The Rankings were provided based on the numbers of research output. It is indicated by total citations ..


‘Future India’ lecture series for students begins on 10th January

The Government of India’s autonomous body CSIR: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s constituent laboratory in Mysore -Central Food Technology Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI) will be organizing ‘FUTURE INDIA’ lecture series beginning on Friday, 10th January 2020 under which lectures for ..
