Page-6 of Creative works

Bollywood actor Sitaram Panchal (54) passes away

Bollywood actor Sitaram Panchal (54), who was best known for his acts in Bandit Queen and Peepli Live, has passed away in Mumbai, Maharashtra on August 10, 2017. During his lifetime, Panchal worked in films like Peepli Live, Pan Singh ..

Robert Hard, noted British actor passes away.

Robert Hard (91), who portrayed the role of Minister of Magic ‘Cornelius Fudge’ in four of the ‘Harry Potter’ films, has passed away in London, England on August 3, 2017. He was also known for his many portrayals of Winston ..

‘Brexit’ added to Oxford English Dictionary

The word ‘Brexit’ has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. It was one among the 1,500 new words added to the Oxford English Dictionary this week. The dictionary has defined Brexit as: “The (proposed) withdrawal of the United Kingdom from ..

2012 Literature Nobel for Mo Yan of China

Chinese author Mo Yan won Nobel Prize for literature. His real name is Guan Moye. The Swedish Academy recognized the writer as a one "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary". Some of his notable works: ..

Liberty Medal to Muhammad Ali

The boxing Champion, Muhammad Ali who to retirement from the game in the year 1981 was awarded Liberty Medal in Philadelphia. The boxer was given this the honor for his contribution towards the humanitarian causes like religious freedom and civil ..


Golden Lion to South Korean film ‘Pieta’

South Korean Movie, Pieta, directed by Kim Ki-duk, bagged the Golden Lion Prize for best movie at the 69th Venice Film Festival. Other Awards:  Silver Lion for Best Director: Paul Thomas Anderson for ‘The Master’ Special Jury Prize: “Paradise: Faith” ..


Pakistan confers Nisan-i-Imtiaz on Saadat Hasan Manto

Pakistan Govt has conferred its highest civilian honor Nisan-i-Imtiaz on famous Pakistani writer Saadat Hasan Manto. Manto is popular for his Urdu short stories, especially those that explored the impact of the partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan ..


Ecuador grants political asylum to Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

Latin American country Ecuador granted political asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Who is Julian Assange? Julian Assange is an Australian editor, activist, political talk show host, computer programmer, publisher and a journalist. He is famous as editor-in-chief and founder ..


‘Ernest Borgnine’ – Oscar-winning American actor passes away

Ernest Borgnine (95), Oscar-winning American actor passed away. He won an Oscar in 1955 for his role in the film Marty. Borgnine was also lauded for his roles in films The Wild Bunch and The Poseidon Adventure. His TV series ..


Panel for clearance of film shootings soon

The Government has planned to up a Film Cmmission to aid speedy clearance of all film shooting-related permissions. The commission will help to make the country an attractive shooting destination to the foreign as well as local film makers. Rs ..
