Page-5 of COVID-19

India- Panacea Biotec New COVID Vaccine

Government of India will partner with Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and pharma company Panacea Biotec, for developing a new Covid Vaccine. Highlights They will develop vaccine candidates to provide broad protection against SARS-COV-2 variants as well as other beta ..



Omicron-Delta mixed Infections

In a recent study researchers found that, co-infection of Delta and Omicron variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in two epidemiologically unrelated patients, who were suffering from chronic kidney disease and were requiring hemodialysis. Key Points Both ..



Hilal-e-Pakistan Award to Bill Gates

Bill Gates, noted philanthropist and creator of Microsoft have been awarded the Hilal-e-Pakistan, Pakistan’s second-highest civilian honor, for his efforts to help eradicate polio in the country. Overview: A lunch was held at the Pakistani premier’s residence in honor of ..



Extension of INSACOG Network to neighbour countries

Recently, India announced to extend its “SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) network” to neighbour countries, to fight against Covid-19. Key Facts INSACOG is a network of laboratories for genomic sequencing and surveillance. India will also work for the implementation of “TRIPS ..



Canada Invokes Emergency Powers

On February 14, 2022, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked rarely-used emergency powers, in order to bring an end to trucker-led protests against Covid health rules. Key Points Emergency powers were invoked after police arrested 11 people with a “cache ..



Canada Anti Vaccine Protests

On February 5, 2022, protests again started in Canada’s capital. Protestors joined a convoy of truckers whose have occupied Ottawa to denounce Covid vaccine mandates for two weeks. Highlights Individuals and families huddled across the campfires in bone-chilling weather. They ..



Economic Survey 2021-22- Highlights

The Economic Survey 2021-22 was tabled in Parliament on January 31, 2022 by Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Who prepared the Economic Survey? Economic Survey 2021-22 was prepared by a team led by principal economic adviser Sanjeev Sanyal. The survey is ..



COVID: IIT-J AI-based Chest X-Ray

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) based chest X-Ray technique was recently developed by researchers from Indian Institutes of Technology Jodhpur (IIT-J). This chest X-Ray technique will be used for Covid-19A screening. Key Points Team of researchers have proposed a deep learning-based ..



ICE 360 Survey-Highlights

Ice 360 survey is conducted by PRICE. PRICE is People’s Research on India’s Consumer Economy. The survey collects house hold income, financial details, expenditures, occupation, quality of living, etc. Key findings The house hold income of the rich people increased ..



Community Transmission of Omicron

The Genome Consortium INSACOG recently announced that Omicron is at the “Community Transmission” stage in India. The ICT admissions and hospitalisation of patients are increasing. The Omicron has become dominant in metros though the infections are asymptomatic and mild. Community ..

