Page-35 of COVID-19
CSIR Sero survey Results
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research recently released the results of Sero Survey. Key Findings of the Survey The survey was conducted on 10,427 persons. Of these, only 10.14% showed sero positivity. The survey suggested that the neutralising antibodies ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
Infections after COVID Vaccination
The Indian Council of Medical Research recently reported that around two to four of the ten thousand vaccinated people tested positive for the disease. This is referred to as “Breakthrough Infection”. Key Findings of ICMR According to ICMR, around 9.3 ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
Basic customs duty and health cess on medical oxygen, equipment launched
The Government of India has granted complete exemption from basic health cess on import of oxygen-related equipment and customs duty for a period of three months. Background With the COVID-19 double mutant variant B.1.617 spreading rapidly in the country, the ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
What is Proning?
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare recently issued guidelines on proning for self-care for COVID-19 patients at home. Under the new guidelines, the ministry has advised the COVID-19 patients to practice proning if they are facing breathing difficulties. Background ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
COVIRAP Technology
The IIT Kharagpur has successfully commercialised the healthcare product COVIRAP. What is COVIRAP? COVIRAP is a diagnostic technology to detect COVID-19 virus. The technology is also capable of testing influenza, dengue, malaria. Tuberculosis and Japanese Encephalitis. Also, the technology can ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
Triple Mutant Variant
As India is struggling to battle COVID-19 crisis, a triple mutant variant strain of COVID-19 has emerged as a fresh threat. It is also called the “Bengal Variant”. The triple mutant variant has been identified in West Bengal, Maharashtra, Delhi ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
DRDO develops Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System
The Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) has recently developed a Supplemental Oxygen Delivery System. It is to be used for soldiers posted at extreme high-altitude areas. About the System The system was developed by the Defence Bio-Engineering and Electro Medical ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2021
What is Double Mutant Corona Virus Variant?
The National Institute of Virology recently shared a data showing the break up of 361 genome sequenced samples that were collected between January and March 2021. Key Findings The study detected the presence of double mutation in almost 61% of ..