COVID-19 testing
Sniffer Dogs 88% accurate in detecting Covid- Study
As per a study, Sniffer dogs can help in prevent spread of Coronavirus by detecting SARS-CoV2. Study found; they can be 88 percent accurate in detecting the virus. Highlights Study was conducted by scientists of London School of Hygiene & ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2021
New Protein based Biosensors created for Quick COVID-19 test
Recently, a team of researchers led by David Baker, who is the professor of biochemistry and director of the Institute for Protein Design at UW Medicine, have created a new protein-based biosensor that will detect the Coronavirus. Key Facts The ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2021
Mitochondrial DNA based COVID-19 test
The United States scientists have developed a new rapid COVID-19 test to measure mitochondrial DNA in the blood sample of the COVID-19 patients. The test will be highly helpful to identify people at the highest risk of the virus. About ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2021
Dry Swab Direct RT-PCR Test Method
The Dry Swab Direct RT-PCR testing method was recently approved by the Indian Council of Medical Research to test the covid-19 virus. The test was developed by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CSIR-CCMB) by ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2020
Mega Scope launched by IIT Alumni Council for personalized health care
IIT Alumni Council has launched “MegaScope” for personalized healthcare. MegaScope has been launched to include testing, data analysis and genomics to precisely diagnose infections and to prescribe personalised medicines. Highlights MegaScope will add host genome data mapping along with Artificial ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2020
CHECK: World’s first CRISPR CaS-9 based diagnostic tool
Tata Medical and Diagnostics Ltd (TataMD) have unveiled “TataMD CHECK” which is a novel diagnostic testing for COVID-19. It is the world’s first CRISPR CaS-9 based diagnostic tool and is powered by FELUDA. CRISPR Cas-9 is a technology developed in ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2020
Union Cabinet: MoU signed between India and Israel in Health and Medicine approved
On November 4, 2020, the Union Cabinet chaired by PM Modi approved the Memorandum of Understanding signed between India and Israel in the field of Health and Medicine. Key Highlights The MoU covered the following To exchange and train medical ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2020
EpicVacCorona: Second COVID-19 Vaccine approved by Russia
The Russian Authorities have approved a new COVID-19 vaccine called “EpicVacCorona”. It is a two shot vaccine. Key Highlights EpiVacCorona is a peptide-based vaccine. Sputnik V was the first vaccine developed by Russia. Russia is to conduct the vaccine trial ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
India to roll out FELUDA Paper strip tests for COVID-19
On October 11, 2020, the Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan announced that India is to roll out Feluda Paper Strip test in next few weeks. Highlights The minister made the announcement during the fifth edition of “Sunday Samvaad”. Sunday ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
COVAXIN to use Alhydroxiquim-II to boost Immune Response
The first COVID-19 vaccine, COVAXIN is currently in phase II trials in the country. The vaccine is to use Alhydroxiquim-II to boost the immune system. Highlights COVAXIN has sought the approval of Drugs Controller General of India to begin phase ..