Page-8 of Coronavirus

First Indian-origin Finance Minister of UK unveiled 330-Billion Pound Rescue Package

The first Indian-origin Finance Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak unveiled a 330-Billion Pound Rescue Package, which aims to help the businesses of the country to survive the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The £330 billion of loan guarantees will ..

Spanish football coach Francisco Garcia passes away

Spanish football coach Francisco Garcia has recently passed away after contracting coronavirus, at the age of 21. He is also the youngest victim of the illness in the region. Garcia was serving as the manager of Atletico Portada Alta’s youth team and ..

Kerala uses robots to spread awareness about COVID-19

Kerala has launched an initiative to use robots for creating awareness on COVID-19 among the public. Two robots have been built by a start-up in Kerala called Asimov Robotics, under the Kerala Start-up Mission, an initiative by the state government ..

Health Ministry issues toll-free number for inquiry about COVID-19

The Union Health Ministry has issued a toll-free number 1075 for the public to inquire about coronavirus (COVID-19). As the number of infections keeps rising, a high-level meeting of the Group of Ministers COVID-19 was held in New Delhi under ..

Chaitra Jatra festival cancelled amid coronavirus outbreak

The famous annual Chaitra Jatra festival is celebrated in the state of Odisha. The festival which was scheduled to be held on March 17 at the Tara Tarini hill shrine of the state was cancelled as a precautionary measure against ..

US begins first phase of clinical trial of coronavirus vaccine

The United States has begun the first phase of clinical trial of a vaccine to protect against the coronavirus disease. The initiative is supported by a global coalition founded by India and Norway. It is funded by the National Institute ..

Russia to create a $4 billion anti-crisis fund to protect economy

The Prime Minister of Russia recently announced that the country will create a $4 billion (300-billion rouble) anti-crisis fund with an aim of protecting its economy from the coronavirus attack. He also announced that Russia may miss its growth targets this year and ..

Microsoft Bing team launches portal to track COVID-19 infections

Microsoft Bing team has launched a web portal for tracking COVID-19 infections worldwide. The interactive website has been developed to provide up-to-date infection statistics for each country. It also features an interactive map for number of cases for specific location ..

India proposes “Covid-19 emergency fund”

A meeting of the heads of countries of the SAARC alliance was held via video conferencing recently. Last time the leaders had a meeting together in November 2014. During the meeting, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi proposed a ..

NIV scientists isolate 11 strains of COVID-19

Scientists at the National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune have isolated 11 strains of the Covid-19, which is the first step towards developing a vaccine for containing a disease. India has become the fifth country to successfully isolate the strains. ..