Page-21 of Committees
Justice (Retd) Ms Usha Mehra Commission Submitted its Report
Justice (Retd) Ms Usha Mehra Commission submitted its report to the Government. The Commission was constituted on 26th December, 2012. Objective: To enquire into various aspects of the incidence of brutal assault to a young woman in Delhi on December ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
Chandrasekhar Committee meets set pathway to unify foreign investments norms
The K.M. Chandrashekhar committee formed to unify foreign investment norms met for the first time. Objective: To relax entry norms for a diverse category of foreign investors such as FDI / FII/ QFI/NRI/FVCI and the like. Two sub-committees Two sub-panels ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
Functioning of Prasar Bharati to be examined by study groups
The Sam Pitroda-led expert panel has set up 11 study groups for examining the Government-Prasar Bharati ties, its financing, aspects related to content, presentation and other issues. Tasks before the study group: To work on aspects related to the Prasar ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
Expert panel under chairmanship of Sam Pitroda constituted to review functioning of Prasar Bharti
An Expert Committee has been set up by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has with the task of reviewing the institutional frame work of Prasar Bharati including its relationship with Government, its continuing role as a public broadcaster and ..
Month: Current Affairs - February, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
GAAR deferred for 2 years by April 2016
The government assuaged the concerns of investors at home and abroad who were worried about the impending implementation of the controversial GAAR (General Anti Avoidance Rules) by deferring it by two years till April 1, 2016. The deferment and other ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2013
Justice D K Jain to head 20th Law Commission
Justice D K Jain, who is about to retire from Supreme Court, has been appointed as the chairman of the 20th Law Commission of India. Task for 20th Law Commission: The 20th Law Commission was constituted through a Government Order ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
RBI establishes Working Group to review Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Taking into consideration the suggestions by Committee on Customer Service in Banks (Damodaran Committee) relating to Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 and the Rajya Sabha Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has constituted a Working Group which will ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2013
Chemical castration, 30-year jail as proposed in anti-rape draft bill by Congress
In the wake of the horrific gang rape in Delhi, Congress, in its anti-rape draft bill, has proposed imprisonment of up to 30 years which could also include chemical castration in rare cases to curb crimes against women. Although the ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
Y.V. Reddy to be the chairman of 14th Finance Commission
The constitution of the 14th Finance Commission has been announced by the government. The Commission will have 5 members which will be headed by former RBI Governor Y.V. Reddy. The panel is to submit its report by October 31, 2014. ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News
Anti-rape law not to be named after the victim
As per the Government, the anti-rape law, which is under revision to make it more stringent and facilitate speedier justice, is unlikely to be named after the Delhi gang-rape victim. As per Home Ministry, there is no such provision in ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2013
Category: Awards, Honours & Persons in News