Page-2 of Coal Sector

India-Indonesia: 5th Joint Working Group on Coal to be held in November, 2020

On November 5, 2020, India and Indonesia are to hold the fifth joint working group on coal. The virtual meeting is to deliberate on Indian Coal policy reforms such as coal exploration and commercial coal mining, research and development and ..


Rationalization of Coal Linkage Scheme

The Government of India is to rationalize the coal linkages in the country. This is to be done in order to reduce the load on transportation infrastructure and also to ease evacuation constraints. Highlights The Government of India has rationalized ..


India to set up Coal Exchange

India is to set up Coal Exchange trading platform soon. According to the proposal to set up the India Coal Exchange platform, the entire coal mined in the country is to be traded on a common platform called “Coal Exchange”. ..


Home Ministry issues Guidelines for Lock Down 2.0

On April 15, 2020, the Ministry of Home Affairs launched revised guidelines for lock down 2.0. The second lock down, also called the smart lock down aims to consolidate the gains achieved by the first lock down. It is to ..


Global Coal Production falls for the 4th Consecutive Year

According to a survey, in 2019, the global coal power plant development declined for the fourth consecutive year. A total of 13 GW of capacity construction delayed due to Corona Virus. Highlights The survey was conducted by the Global Energy ..


Coal Bed Methane

The Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas recently discussed the policies regarding coal bed methane in the Rajya Sabha. Coal Bed Methane Coal Bed Methane or Coal Seam Gas refers to methane gas that is adsorbed onto coal seams ..

Ordinance promulgated to amend coal mining laws

On January 11, 2020, the Government of India promulgated ordinance to amend coal mining laws in order to ease auction of coal mines. Highlights The GoI has promulgated ordinance to amend MMDR act (Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation act), ..


Coal India to produce 1 billion tons of coal by 2024

On November 2, 2019, the coal Ministry has announced that Coal India Limited (CIL) will produce 750 million tons of coal by the end of financial year 2020-21. It will further increase the coal production to 1 billion tons by ..


Government launches UTTAM App for coal quality monitoring

The Ministry of Coal has launched UTTAM (Unlocking Transparency by Third Party Assessment of Mined Coal) Application for coal quality monitoring. The app aims to ensure transparency and efficiency in coal quality monitoring process and bring coal governance closer to ..


CCEA gives Approval to New Coal Linkage Policy

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved a new coal linkage policy to ensure adequate supply of the fuel to power plants through reverse auction. The new policy will help in ensuring fuel supplies to the power plants in an ..
