Page-3 of Chhattisgarh
ASER Survey on Chhattisgarh (Rural)
Report on “Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) Chhattisgarh (Rural) 2021” was released recently. The report highlights the learning crisis created by covid-19 pandemic induced lockdowns, since March 2020. Highlights Report highlights that, proportion of primary school children who cannot ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2022
Category: India Nation & States Current Affairs • Reports & Indexes Current Affairs
Chhattisgarh Rojgar Mission
The Chhattisgarh Government is to launch an employment mission called the Rojgar Mission. The mission aims to create 15 lakh job opportunities in the state in the next five years. Key Features The mission will leverage experts from IITs, IIITs, ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2022
Category: Government Schemes Current Affairs • India Nation & States Current Affairs
Chhattisgarh: National Tribal Dance Festival to be held
National Tribal Dance Festival will be held in Raipur from October 28 to October 30. Highlights The festival will be held at Science College Ground, under the Tourism Development plan of Chhattisgarh government. It is a three-day National Tribal Dance ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2021
Chhattisgarh launches Fortified Rice Distribution Scheme
On the eve of Statehood Day celebrations, on November 1, 2020, the State Government of Chhattisgrah launched Fortified Rice Distribution Scheme. About Fortified Rice Distribution Scheme The scheme was launched to reduce malnutrition and anaemia. Under the scheme, fortified rice ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2020
Krishi Upad Mandi (Amendment) Bill 2020: Key Facts
Chhattisgarh Assembly passed an amendment Bill to invalidate the Centre’s recently-notified agriculture legislations in one day session. The Assembly passed the Chhattisgarh Krishi Upad Mandi (Amendment) Bill 2020. It gives strength to the state government to control all agricultural produce ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
Kerala: First State to fix MSP for vegetables
Kerala became the first Indian state to fix Minimum Support Price for sixteen agriculture items. It consists of vegetables, fruits and tubers. The scheme is to support farmers and increase agriculture sector. What is the plan? Sixteen different varieties of ..
Month: Current Affairs - October, 2020
Chhattisgarh launches Scheme for Tendu leaf collectors: Highlights
Chhattisgarh government has launched a social security scheme meant for the tendu leaves collectors in the state and this scheme will be beneficial for over 12 lakh families in the state, majority of them tribals and forest dwellers engaged in ..
Month: Current Affairs - August, 2020
Chhattisgarh launches ‘Roka-Chheka Abhiyan’
Chhattisgarh government has launched the ‘Roka-Chekka Abhiyan’ in all villages in the state. The objective of this scheme is to revive traditional agricultural methods and to save Kharif crops from open grazing by stray cattle. The programme involves the use ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2020
500-year old Temple submerged in Mahanadi found
The Archaeological Survey team has recently claimed that a 500 year old temple that submerged in the waters of Mahanadi resurfaced. Highlights The Mahanadi river that changed its course 150 years due to flooding had submerged the Padmabati village where ..
Facts Box: Spandan Campaign of Chhattisgarh
The Chhattisgarh Government recently launched Spandan Campaign. The campaign aimed to contain fratricide and suicide involving police personnel. Highlights Under the campaign, the superintendents of police associated with the Chhattisgarh Government will start a parade in their districts every Friday. ..
Month: Current Affairs - June, 2020