Page-3 of Chemistry
Deep Ocean Mission (DOM) to be launch by Ministry of Earth Sciences
The Deep Ocean Mission (DOM) has finally got the green signal from the Government of India (GoI). It is five-year, Rs 8000-crore plan to explore the deepest recesses of the ocean & will be launched by the Union Ministry of ..
Tezpur University‘s researchers develops a low-cost filter to remove arsenic from water
Researchers at Assam’s Tezpur University have developed a simple and cost-effective filtration system – Arsiron Nilogon – that may help reduce the health burden caused by arsenic and iron contaminated groundwater. The system filters out 99.9% of the arsenic contamination ..
The first iron ore mine of Bangladesh discovered in Dinajpur
For the first time in Bangladesh, iron ore mine has been discovered at Isabpur village in Dinajpur. According to the Geological Survey of Bangladesh, a 400-foot thick iron layer was found 1,750 feet beneath the surface stretched over an area ..
Iraq becomes India’s top crude oil supplier in 2018-19 fiscal year
For the second year in a row, Iraq has become India’s top crude oil supplier in 2018-19 fiscal year and meet more than a fifth of the country’s oil needs. According to official data sourced from the Directorate General of ..
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy detects Universe’s first molecule in space
The researchers have finally detected the most ancient type of molecule in our universe in space for the first time ever. They used NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to detect helium hydride in a planetary nebula NGC 7027 ..
Helium hydride ion to be the first molecule detected in space
NASA’s flying observatory SOFIA has detected Helium hydride ion (HeH+), the first molecule that formed almost 14 billion years ago towards a planetary nebulae. It is the first type of molecule that formed in the universe after the Big Bang. ..
ILO lists 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy among world’s major industrial accidents of 20th century
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has recently released the report titled ‘The Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work – Building on 100 years of experience’. In it, the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy which killed thousands ..
Scientists at University of Edinburgh discovers chain-melted state of matter
The scientists at University of Edinburgh have discovered a new state of physical matter – which allows atoms to exist as both solid and liquid at the same time. Until now, atoms in physical matter were understood to exist typically ..
State of Global Air 2019 report released by Boston-based Health Effects Institute
The State of the Global Air 2019 report has recently released by the Boston-based Health Effects Institute (HEI). The report revealed that 1.2 million Indians lost their lives due to exposure to unsafe air in 2017. Now, in India, air ..
IIT Madras converts petroleum waste toluene into useful product
Using platinum nanocatalyst, a two-member team at the IIT Madras has successfully converted petroleum waste-product toluene into benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is used as a food preservative (E210) and medicine for fungal/bacterial infection. Toluene is converted into benzoic acid through ..