Page-2 of Chemistry
Water Treatment measure introduced in Tokyo
Tokyo which is hosting summer Olympics in 2020 has introduced water treatment measure to better deal with natural calamities like typhoons or squalls to keep the city safe. Preventing the Calamities The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has developed infrastructure such as levee ..
Germany to phase out controversial weedkiller glyphosate by 2023
Germany has decided to phase out the controversial weedkiller glyphosate by the end of 2023 to protect insect populations that play a pivotal role in ecosystems and pollination of food crops. The chemical is also suspected to cause cancer in ..
World Bank releases a report titled ‘Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis’
The World Bank (WB) has recently released a report titled ‘Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis’ to address human and environmental harm. The study evaluated how a combination of bacteria, sewage, chemicals and plastics suck oxygen from water supplies and ..
Karnataka government classifies Nictoine as Class A poison
The Karnataka government has recently classified nicotine as Class A poison by amending the Karnataka Poisons (Possession and Sale) Rules 2015. The move is to curb illegal sale, smuggling of nicotine cartridges & e-cigarettes. Highly toxic chemicals (such as cyanogen, ..
IIT Hyderabad with Harvard University studied mercury accumulation in fish
According to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard University and IIT Hyderabad, climate change and overfishing are resulting in an increase of a toxin called methylmercury (MeHg) in the ocean’s fishes like Atlantic cod, Atlantic bluefin tuna. These fishes ..
The researchers at IIT Madras designs a system to recycle urine
The researchers at IIT Madras have designed a system titled ‘Project Water Chakra’ to recycle human urine. The project won the Indian Innovation Growth Programme 2.0 award in July 2019. The researchers have retrofitted urinals on the campus to collect ..
British scientist creates world’s thinnest gold
The researchers at the University of Leeds in Britain have created a new form of gold which is 0.47 nanometres thick – one million times thinner than a human finger nail. They claimed that it is the world’s thinnest-ever unsupported ..
Union Government sets up KABIL to ensure supply of critical Minerals
The joint venture company namely Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL) has been set up with the participation of three Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) to ensure a consistent supply of critical and strategic minerals to Indian domestic market. These CPSEs ..
Union Government imposes definitive anti-dumping duty on PTA imports from South Korea & Thailand
The Ministry of Finance has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on all imports of Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) from South Korea and Thailand. PTA is primary raw material in the manufacture of polyester chips, which in turn are used in a ..
The researchers at IIT Hyderabad develop eco-friendly solar cells using kumkum dye
The scientists at IIT Hyderabad have developed low-cost, environment-friendly solar cells by employing an off-the-shelf dye used to make kumkum or vermilion in India. The Dye-Sensitised Solar Cell (DSSC) is based on New Fuchsin (NF) dye with aqueous electrolyte and ..