Page-38 of Cabinet Decisions
Union Cabinet approves revival of defunct Fertilizer Units in Gorakhpur, Sindri and Barauni
The Union Cabinet has approved the revival of three fertilizers defunct Fertilizer Units in Gorakhpur, Sindri and Barauni. The three fertilizers units are: (i) Barauni (Bihar) unit of Hindustan Fertilizers Corporation Limited (HFCL), (ii) Urea unit of Fertilizer Corporation India ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves facilities extended to persons residing in India on Long Term Visa
The Union Cabinet has extended numerous facilities to persons from minority communities of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh namely Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Parsis and Christians staying in India on Long Term Visa (LTV). Decision in this regard was taken by ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme
The Union Cabinet has approved a National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) for providing apprenticeship training to over 50 lakh youngsters in order to create more jobs. The Scheme has an outlay of 10,000 crore rupees and a target of training ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves import of pulses through long-term contract with Mozambique
The Union Cabinet has approved a long-term contract with Mozambique for import of pulses by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU aims to promote the production of Tur (Pigeon Peas) and other pulses in Mozambique by encouraging progressive ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves setting up a Major port at Enayam near Colachel in Tamil Nadu
The Union Cabinet has given its in-principle approval for setting up a Major port at Enayam near Colachel in Tamil Nadu. On completion the port will become country’s 13th major port. The Enayam Major Port project seeks to make India ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet Approves Interest Subvention Scheme for farmers for year 2016-17
The Union Cabinet has approved the Interest Subvention Scheme for farmers for the year 2016-17. For this purpose Union Government has earmarked a sum of 18,276 Crore Rupees. The scheme will help farmers getting short term crop loan payable within ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves the High Courts (Alteration of Names) Bill, 2016
The Union Cabinet has given its approval to The High Courts (Alteration of Names) Bill, 2016 to change names of the High Courts based on the nomenclature cities they are located. The Bill facilitates changing of the names of ‘Madras ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves MoU between India and Tanzania in the field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy
The Union Cabinet has approved signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Tanzania in the field of Traditional Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy. The MoU will facilitate structured frame work for the cooperation between both countries for ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves MoU between India and Mauritius in the field of Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
The Union Cabinet has approved signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Mauritius in the field of Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation. The MoU will encourage cooperation between both countries in the field of rural development and ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016
Union Cabinet approves MoU between India and Mozambique in the field of Drug demand reduction and prevention of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs
The Union Cabinet has given its approval for signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Mozambique on Drug demand reduction and related matters. The MoU also envisages prevention of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2016