British MPs

Priti Patel appointed as Britain’s first Indian-origin home secretary

Priti Patel, a prominent member of the Back Boris campaign for the Conservative Party leadership, has become the Britain’s first Indian-origin home secretary as part of new Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s top team. She succeeded Pakistani-origin Sajid Javid, who moves ..

Boris Johnson takes over charge as new British Prime Minister

Boris Johnson, the former foreign secretary and London Mayor, has officially took over the charge as new British Prime Minister after Theresa May handed in her resignation to the Queen at Buckingham Palace. He promised to leave the European Union ..

May and Corbyn make last attempt to save Brexit Deal

British Prime Minister Theresa May is in talks with the Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, to give it a last try to save the Brexit Deal she has struck with the European Union. May is seeking an extension to Brexit before ..

PM to meet Corbyn: Brexiters disappointed at the move

Theresa May is expected to meet Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Leader. She said she wanted to break the deadlock in passing the Brexit Referendum. Mr Corbyn wanted the customs union and workers rights to be the priority of the Brexit ..

Brexit remains deadlocked

The alternates for the Brexit were put for voting on Monday. The lawmakers failed yet again to pass the alternatives of Brexit. Even the soft deal of Brexit was rejected. There were 4 options of alternate put for voting and ..

Brexit creates power vacuum

The Paliament of Britain is deadlocked over Brrexit issue. A vacuum means the PM May has no leverage to compromise with the lawmakers as they took over the control of parliamentary agenda to debate on alternatives to her Brexit deal. ..

UK Parliament rejects Brexit for the third time

For the third time, the Britain lawmakers rejected the exit of Britain from the European Union. With the deadline fast approaching, over 3 weeks left, the British government is unable to gain a majority over the issue. It is due ..

Theresa May loses critical Brexit vote

Britain’s MPs have once again rejected the Brexit deal, presented by the Prime Minister Theresa May, thereby handing her a fresh defeat and thwarting her efforts to walk UK out of the European Union. In a fresh vote on Friday, ..

Brexit: May is ready to quit

The house of Commons was unsuccessful to produce a majority for any of the 8 different Brexit proposals. The voting happened in the late night session. The closest votes were for the soft Brexit. The PM May said that she ..

Millions participate at the anti Brexit march in London

Hundreds of thousands of people marched through the central London on Saturday demanding a new referendum. They opposed to Britain’s withdrawl from the Europian Union. The Prime Minister Theresa May hinted that she wouldnt bring the Brexit issue to parliament ..