Page-7 of Branches of biology

Designer Baby

A designer baby is a human embryo that has been genetically modified, usually following guidelines set by the parent or scientist, to produce desirable traits. This is done using various methods, such as gene therapy or Pre implantation genetic diagnosis ..


Disarib is a noble small molecule, designed and synthesised by Indian researchers, has shown promise in targeted killing of cancer cells. The molecule (Disarib) works by binding itself to a protein called BCL2, which suppresses the death of cancerous cells. ..

Kerala becomes first Indian state to adopt a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for determining brain death cases

Kerala has become the first Indian state to adopt a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for brain death certification in government and private hospitals. The Kerala government has brought out SOP as per the high court directive and to mitigate public ..


2018 National Conference on Down Syndrome organised Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

The ‘2018 National Conference on Down Syndrome’ was organised by the National Trust under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in New Delhi on March 25. A book entitled “Twilights Children” based on the lives of person suffering from Down ..

2018 World Down syndrome Day observed on 21 March

The World Down syndrome Day (WDSD) is observed every year on March 21 to raise public awareness about the syndrome and well being of people with Down syndrome. The 2018 theme “What I Bring To My Community” demonstrates that how ..

India’s first cloned Assamese buffalo male calf ‘Sach-Gaurav’ born in Haryana

The Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) has claimed that India’s first cloned Assamese buffalo male calf ‘Sach-Gaurav’ has born in Hisar, Haryana on December 22, 2017. The calf was born to a Murrah buffalo through a normal delivery. ..

Kerala makes vaccinations compulsory for school admissions

The Kerala government has recently made vaccination compulsory for school admissions to Class 1 from the 2018-’19 academic year. Parents will have to show details of immunization shots given to children during enrolment in school. The health minister of Kerala ..

Michael N Hall chosen for 2018 Genome Valley Excellence Award of Telangana

Eminent molecular biologist Professor Michael N Hall of the Biozentrum University of Basel, Switzerland, has been chosen for the 2018 Genome Valley Excellence Award for his pioneering work in discovering the nutrient-activated TOR (Target of Rapamycin) proteins and their central ..


China launches world’s largest human genome research project

China has launched the world’s largest human genome research project to document the genetic makeup of one lakh people to help generate the precision medicines for the future. The project would detect the genetic links between health and sickness and ..

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launches India Hypertension Management Initiative (IHMI)

The India Hypertension Management Initiative (IHMI) has been launched by Preeti Sudan (Secretary of Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW)) and Dr. Soumya Swaminathan (Director of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)) in New Delhi on November 28, ..