Page-3 of Branches of biology
Hemant Pandey develops a herbal drug to treat leucoderma
Hemant Pandey, a senior DRDO scientist, has developed a herbal drug – Lukoskin – to treat leucoderma, a condition in which white patches develop on the skin. The auto-immune condition, also called ‘vitiligo’, can be life-altering. Vitiligo is neither contagious ..
2019 edition of World Sickle Cell Day (WSCD)
The World Sickle Cell Day (WSCD) is observed every year on 19th of June to raise public awareness about the sickle cell disease and its treatment methods. Sickle cell disease is an inherited form of anaemia in which red blood ..
2019 edition of International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD)
The International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD) is observed every year on June 13 to celebrate the human rights of persons with albinism worldwide. The 2019 theme is “Still Standing Strong”. This is a call to recognize, celebrate and stand in ..
Ankur Patwardhan wins 2019 German chemistry prize at 4th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference
In Germany, the international competition ‘Elsevier Foundation-ISC3 Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge’ was recently held at the 4th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference. In it, a project idea by Dr. Ankur Patwardhan from Pune has bagged the second prize of ..
Lecanorchis taiwaniana discovered in Assam
In Assam, a type of orchid – Lecanorchis taiwaniana (parasitic bloom) – has coincidentally discovered by Assam’s forest officer named Jatindra Sarma. The parasitic bloom is a variant of a Japanese orchid. It is found to have a maximum height ..
UN report titled “IPBES Global Assessment” released by IPBES
The UN report titled “IPBES Global Assessment” has been released by IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). It is compiled by 145 expert authors from 50 countries. The IPBES report found that around 1 million animal and ..
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai find a novel function for stress buster serotonin to treat neurological decline
The researchers at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai have found a novel function for serotonin (a chemical that signals between neurons). The recent discovery establishes that serotonin is involved in the generation of new mitochondria (the powerhouse ..
2019 edition of World Thalassaemia Day (WTD)
The World Thalasseamia Day (WTD) is observed every year on May 8 to raise awareness about this ailment among people all over the world. The day is also dedicated to commemorate thalassemia patients as well as encourage those who struggle ..