Page-2 of Black hole
Biggest cosmic explosion since the Big Bang
Scientists have detected the biggest explosion in the universe after the Big Bang. The explosion occurred from a supermassive black hole. Where did the explosion take place? The explosion took place in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster which is 390 million ..
The team of Event Horizon Telescope wins 2020 ‘Oscars of Science’
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) team of 347 scientists has won the 2020 ‘Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics’ for the first image of a super-massive black hole. The $3 million prize is also known as the ‘Oscars of Science’. The ..
Astronomers at Max Planck Institute of Germany discover a new black hole named Holmberg 15A
Astronomers at the Max Planck Institute of Germany have recently discovered a new black hole named Holmberg 15A that is clocking in at 40 billion times the mass of the Sun. The black hole is supergiant elliptical galaxy i.e. around ..
Astronomers capture first ever image of Black Hole
Astronomers have captured the first-ever image of a black hole, which is located in a distant galaxy known as ‘Messier 87’ (M87), through a network of 8 linked radio telescopes known as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration. The black ..
MIT student creates an Algorithm that made first Black hole image
Computer scientist Katie Bouman, who is still a graduate student at MIT has developed the algorithm to create the first image ever of a black hole. Katie has named the algorithm ‘CHIRP’ (Continuous High-resolution Image Reconstruction using Patch priors) which was ..
Astronomers from Japan, Taiwan, and Princeton University discover 83 quasars powered by supermassive black holes in distant universe
Astronomers from Japan, Taiwan, and Princeton University have discovered 83 quasars powered by supermassive black holes in the distant universe, which were formed when the universe was only 5% of its current age. These quasars are lying 13 billion light-years ..
Gravitational Waves
Gravitational Waves were for the first time discovered in February, 2016, 100 years after they were hypothesized by Albert Einstein in 1916. These waves were detected by the scientists working at two LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) facilities in United ..
Stephen Hawking, legendary theoretical physicist passes away
Stephen Hawking (76), the legendary British theoretical physicist, has passed away in Cambridge, United Kingdom on March 14, 2018. Known for his unique way of speaking while living his life in a wheelchair, Hawking became an emblem of human determination ..
Swift J1745-26
It is the name of newly discovered black hole toward the centre of Milky Way galaxy. It was discovered by NASA’s Swift satellite which detected a rising tide of high-energy X-rays from a source toward the center of our Milky ..
NASA’S WISE Mission Captured Black Hole’s Wildly Flaring Jet
NASA’S WISE Mission Captured Black Hole’s Wildly Flaring Jet Utilizing NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Astronomers captured uncommon data of a flaring black hole, enlightening fresh particulars about these dominant objects and their glowing jets Scientists analyse jets to ..