Page-2 of Bird Flu
PUSA: Decontamination Tunnel developed by ICAR
The Indian Agricultural Research Institute has developed PUSA decontamination tunnel. It was inaugurated on April 16, 2020 by the Union Minister Shri Kailash Choudhary. About the Tunnel The Tunnel includes foot operated water dispenser and soap. The tunnel also provides ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2020
Poultry Culling ordered by Kerala Government to control Bird Flu
On March 14, 2020, the Kerala Government ordered poultry culling. Parappanagadi has been identified as the Epicenter of bird flu. The Government of Kerala is to cull poultry within one-kilometer radius. What is poultry culling? Poultry Culling is the process ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2020
Avian Botulism-Reason behind birds’ death in Sambhar Lake
The Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) on November 21, 2019, confirmed that a neuro muscular illness called Avian Botulism is the reason for mass mortality of migratory birds in Sambhar Lake in Rajasthan. The doctors say that the birds were ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2019
Delhi declared free of bird flu
National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi was declared free from bird flu (H5N8 avian influenza) after consecutive samples collected at 15 days’ intervals from the last positive results tested negative. In October 2016, cases of mortality among the birds due ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2017
Union Government constitutes Munialappa Committee to monitor bird flu situation
The Union Agricultural Ministry has constituted a High-Level Committee to monitor the bird flu situation and help state governments take steps to contain the disease. The High-Level Committee will be headed by Joint Commissioner in the Department of Animal Husbandry, ..