Page-9 of Biology

World’s first three-parent baby born in Mexico

The world’s first three-parent baby boy was born in Mexico to a Jordanian couple with the help a controversial new fertility technique that incorporates DNA from three people in the embryo. The ‘three-parent’ technique also known as Mitochondrial donation (Mitochondrial ..


Scientists successfully grow three-dimensional lungs in lab using stem cells

Scientists in the United States including those of Indian origin have successfully grown three-dimensional (3D) lungs in the lab, using stem cells. The 3D lungs or organoids was created by coating tiny gel beads with lung-derived stem cells and then ..


Indian scientists unlock preterm birth mystery

Indian researchers have made a major discovery by understanding the mechanisms by which preterm births (between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation) occur. Normally, a pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, but in case of preterm births has gestation between 28 ..


For the first time scientists predict brain activity patterns

For the first time, researchers have decoded and predicted the brain activity patterns of word meanings within sentences. The brain activity patterns were predicted using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure human brain activation. With this, researcher can now ..


Chinese scientists discover XMU-MP-1 molecule to repair organs

Chinese scientists have discovered a small molecule (new drug) named XMU-MP-1 that can regenerate tissue. It has potential to eliminate transplants of some organs. It was discovered by team of researchers from Xiamen University and  Peking University of China. The ..


First human genetic editing trial in China

Chinese scientists are going to perform the world’s first genetic editing trial on humans in an attempt to find a cure for lung cancer. It will be performed as the trial phase by injecting cells that have been modified using ..


Endosulfan causes DNA damage in animals: Study

Researchers in India for the first time have found that mice and rats exposed to endosulphan suffer from DNA damage and genomic instability, and impaired DNA damage response. This breakthrough discovery was discovered team of researchers led by Prof. Sathees ..


Researchers build super-sensitive e-nose

Researchers from the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium have built a super-sensitive electronic nose comprising of chemical sensors metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The super-sensitive e-nose has ability to detect pesticides and nerve gas in very low concentrations by analyzing their ..


Scientists develop new bio-ink for 3D bio-printing with stem cells

Scientists have developed a new stem cell-containing bio-ink that allows 3D printing of complex living tissues that may be used for surgical implants. The medical breakthrough was achieved by scientists from the University of Bristol, England. The study in this ..


Scientists for the first time grow living bone in lab

Scientists for the first time in modern medical history have grown a living bone in the lab to repair large defects in the head and face of patient. This medical breakthrough was achieved by a new technique developed by Gordana ..
