Page-5 of Biology
Interstitium: Scientists discover new organ in human body
Scientists have discovered new organ in human body and have named it as ‘interstitium’. It will be the 80th organ in the human body. It might be might be also the biggest organ in human body It was discovered while ..
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2018
India’s first cloned Assamese buffalo male calf ‘Sach-Gaurav’ born in Haryana
The Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) has claimed that India’s first cloned Assamese buffalo male calf ‘Sach-Gaurav’ has born in Hisar, Haryana on December 22, 2017. The calf was born to a Murrah buffalo through a normal delivery. ..
BSI and UK’s Natural History Museum (NHM) signs pact for cooperation in field of genetic/taxonomic studies
The Botanical Survey of India (BSI) and UK’s Natural History Museum (NHM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in New Delhi on February 16, 2018 for cooperation in the field of genetic/taxonomic studies, research and training, conservation in India, ..
Michael N Hall chosen for 2018 Genome Valley Excellence Award of Telangana
Eminent molecular biologist Professor Michael N Hall of the Biozentrum University of Basel, Switzerland, has been chosen for the 2018 Genome Valley Excellence Award for his pioneering work in discovering the nutrient-activated TOR (Target of Rapamycin) proteins and their central ..
Month: Current Affairs - December, 2020
Haryana government launches ‘Gobardhan Yojana’ to support farmers
The Haryana government has launched the ‘Gobardhan Yojana’ to provide for the sale of organic manure and cow urine with an aim to benefit farmers. Under this scheme, a provision of Rs 11 crore has been made to provide benefits ..
Chinese scientists for first time successfully clone monkeys
Chinese scientists for first time have successfully cloned two identical long-tailed macaques (monkeys), named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua using same technique that produced Dolly sheep two decades ago. This development makes them world’s first primates – the order of ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2018
Scientists for first time grow skeletal muscle tissue from stem cells
Scientists from Duke University in North Carolina, US for first time have developed working human skeletal muscle from stem cells in the laboratory. Stem cells Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide ..
Month: Current Affairs - January, 2018
China launches world’s largest human genome research project
China has launched the world’s largest human genome research project to document the genetic makeup of one lakh people to help generate the precision medicines for the future. The project would detect the genetic links between health and sickness and ..
Scientists create world’s smallest data recorder from bacteria
Researchers from Columbia University Medical Centre (CUMC) in US have converted natural bacterial immune system into the world’s smallest data recorder. The researchers modified an ordinary laboratory strain of ubiquitous human gut microbe (bacteria) Escherichia coli (E Coli) which enabled ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2017
The 2017 International Day of Rural Women
The International Day of Rural Women is observed every year on October 15 to recognize the crucial role that women and girls play in ensuring the sustainability of rural households and communities, improving rural livelihoods and overall wellbeing. The 2017 ..