Page-4 of Biology
Biodiversity Heritage Sites
In March 2017, the Assam Government launched Sustainable Action for Climate Resilient Development (SaCReD) Initiative to develop Majuli, the world’s largest river island, as the country’s first carbon neutral district. SaCReD Initiative will also ensure that infrastructure in Majuli has less carbon. ..
Genomics and Personal Genomics
Genome refers to the genetic material of an organism and it comprises of DNA (or RNA in RNA viruses). It offers a blueprint for an organism’s structure and function and has all information necessary for life. Study of genome is ..
Nabi Tajima, world’s oldest person passes away
Nabi Tajima (117), the world’s oldest Japanese supercentenarian, has passed away in Kikai, Japan on April 21, 2018. She was born on August 4, 1900, and reportedly had more than 160 descendants, including great-great-great grandchildren. She was the last living ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2018
April 19: World Liver Day
The World Liver Day (WLD) is observed every year on April 19 to build awareness and understanding importance of liver in human body and how liver ailments can be treated. The 2018 theme for WLD is ‘Riding New Waves in ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2018
World observes 2018 World Liver Day (WLD)
The World Liver Day (WLD) is observed every year on April 19 to build awareness and understanding how important the liver is for our body and how liver ailments can be treated. Liver is a unique organ in human body ..
Month: Current Affairs - April, 2018
DNA Based Computing
DNA based computing uses biological molecule instead of silicon chip for computing is DNA based computing. So (A)(T)(G)(C) will be used Instead of 0 and 1used in computer processing. In the field of DNA-based computing, the DNA contains the information, ..
DNA Fingerprinting
DNA fingerprinting is a method used to identify an individual from a sample of DNA. It simultaneously detects lots of minisatellites in the genome to produce a pattern unique to an individual. The probability of having two people with the ..
Designer Baby
A designer baby is a human embryo that has been genetically modified, usually following guidelines set by the parent or scientist, to produce desirable traits. This is done using various methods, such as gene therapy or Pre implantation genetic diagnosis ..
Disarib is a noble small molecule, designed and synthesised by Indian researchers, has shown promise in targeted killing of cancer cells. The molecule (Disarib) works by binding itself to a protein called BCL2, which suppresses the death of cancerous cells. ..
Digital Gender Atlas
Union ministry of HRD has launched a web-based digital gender atlas to map the progress on girl education throughout the country. The map has been prepared with data collated from the Unified District Information System for Education Data, Census 2011 and ..