Page-10 of Biology

Scientists create Bionic leaf that turns sunlight into liquid fuel

A team of scientists from Harvard University (United States) has created a unique bionic leaf that uses sunlight (solar energy) to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen and hydrogen-eating bacteria to produce liquid fuels from CO2. This artificial photosynthesis ..


UK’s first baby born using Next-Generation DNA sequencing method

United Kingdom’s first baby named Biagio Russo was born in Oxford using Next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) method. This method uses a revolutionary In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technique resulting in better selection of embryos to transfer during the treatment. Key facts ..


New species of Hydroid discovered in Red Sea

An international team of biologists have discovered a new species of hydroid polyps emitting green fluorescence in the Red Sea. These species were found during the investigations of the biodiversity of coral reefs of the archipelago Farasan south of the ..


New tree frog genus named Frankixalus discovered in north-eastern India

Researchers have discovered a new genus of tree hole-breeding frogs named Frankixalus in the forests of northeast India and bordering parts of China. It was discovered by team of researchers led by Professor Sathyabhama Das Biju who is popularly known ..


Chinese scientists develop new bio-artificial liver

Chinese scientists have developed a new bio-artificial liver that can help patients to survive from liver failure long enough for an organ transplant. It has been developed by team of researchers from the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences and doctors ..


CIRB Hisar becomes second institute to clone buffalo in India

Scientists at the Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) in Hisar, Haryana have successfully produced a cloned buffalo offspring named ‘Cirb Gaurav’. CIRB scientists have achieved this feat under the project entitled- Cloning for conservation and multiplication of superior ..


New species of tree frog named Ghatixalus magnus discovered in Western Ghats

Researchers have discovered a new species of tree frog named as Ghatixalus magnus in the Western Ghats in Kadalar High Ranges of Idukki district, Kerala. It was discovered by team of researchers comprising of Robin Abraham and batrachologis Anil Zachariah ..


China building world's largest animal cloning factory

China is building the world’s biggest animal cloning factory to recreate sniffer dogs, racehorses, pets and beef cattle. In this regard, Chinese scientists have signed a deal to create a commercial animal cloning centre in Tianjin, north-eastern China. Key facts ..


5 New long-haired wasp species discovered in India

Researchers from India have discovered 5 new long-haired species of wasps from different parts of the country. They were discovered by researchers from National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources. Key facts These species have been named ‘adikeshavus‘ which in Sanskrit ..


Scientists develop 3-D printing method to make embryonic stem cells

Scientists from China and United States have developed a 3-D printing method to produce highly uniform ‘blocks’ of embryonic stem cells. The method was developed by the researchers from Beijing based Tsinghua University (China) and Philadelphia based Drexel University (US). ..
