Bay of Bengal

Purse Seine Fishing

Purse Seine is a wide and long wall of the net. The technique of purse seine fishing is used on the western and eastern coasts of India. In 2022, at the request of the Central Government, Supreme Court banned purse ..



Exercise Prasthan – Update (October, 2022)

Exercise Prasthan was organized from October 11 to 12 of this year in the Krishna Godavari Basin Offshore Development Area. Key facts Prasthan is an offshore security exercise that is held every six months. Its main purpose is to integrate ..



JIMEX 2022

The sixth edition of the Japan-India Maritime Exercise (JIMEX 22) was kicked off on September 11, 2022. Key facts The JIMEX 2022 is currently being hosted by the Indian Navy in the Bay of Bengal. India is being represented by ..



SAREX 22 Indian Coast Guard Exercise

The Indian Coast Guard recently conducted its biennial National Maritime Search and Rescue Exercise SAREX 22 off the Chennai coast. Key Points The objective of this exercise is to avoid accidents at sea and save lives by conducting rescue operations. ..



Warming of Tropical Indian Ocean

Jitendra Singh, MoS Ministry of Earth Sciences, has told Rajya Sabha that a rapid increase in ocean warming has been experienced by the tropical Indian Ocean. It has been observed that there was around a 1-degree Celsius (°C) average rise ..



Cyclone Asani

The name of the new cyclone that is forming on the Bay of Bengal has been named ‘Asani’. The cyclone seems to be carrying thunderstorms for the eastern coast of India which includes West Bengal, Odisha, etc. Overview: Meteorologists have ..




PANEX-21 is a Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Exercise. It is to be held for the BIMSTEC countries. About PANEX-21 It is a multi national disaster relief exercise. The exercise is to be held among the BIMSTEC countries: Bhutan, Bangladesh, ..


May records 2nd highest rainfall in 121 years

As per Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), May 2021 received second highest rainfall in 121 years. Key findings by IMD Highest rainfall attributes to two back-to-back cyclones and western disturbances. IMD also highlights, average maximum temperature of 34.18 degrees Celsius over ..


Cyclonic Storm Yaas to form in Bay of Bengal

India Meteorological Department has informed that, Cyclone Yaas is likely to intensify into a very severe cyclonic storm, week after cyclone Tauktae had its landfall on the western coast of India. Cyclone Yaas is likely to affect the coastal parts ..


Top 5 Current Affairs Questions on La Perouse

India will be joining a French naval exercise in the Bay of Bengal this month. It is the first French naval exercise that Indian Navy will be a part of. The exercise is named as La Perouse.  Japan, Australia, and ..
