Page-12 of Bangladesh

Global Peace Index 2019

Global Peace Index 2019 by the Australian think tank Institute for Economics & Peace ranks countries on their level of peacefulness based on three thematic domains: Level of societal safety and security. Extent of ongoing domestic and international conflict. Degree ..

Maharashtra Farmers defy ban on GM Crops

As a protest against the ban on HTBt Cotton and Bt Brinjal, Farmers in Maharashtra sowed them in their fields. Maharashtra government had banned Bt cotton variety HTBt in 2015 and there is a ban by the union government on ..

SAARC Making Way for BIMSTEC

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited leaders of BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) to his swearing-in ceremony on May 30. This diplomatic gesture to fellow nations along the Bay of Bengal highlights the diminishing ..

BIMSTEC Leaders invited to PM Modi Swearing-In

Prime Minister Modi has invited leaders of BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) countries along with those from the Kyrgyz Republic and Mauritius for his swearing-in ceremony to be held on May 30. The Swearing ..

Challenges for India in gaining from the US-China Trade War

India has wonderful opportunities to gain from the ongoing trade war between the US and China. But the structural challenges are blocking India from fully capitalising from these opportunities. Structural Challenges India lags in competitiveness. With the rank of 58, ..

Royal Bengal Tigers may not survive Climate Change: UN Report

According to a recent UN report, Climate change and rising sea levels may eventually wipe out ‘The Sundarbans’, which is one of world’s last and largest tiger strongholds. The studies of report rely on climate change scenarios developed by Intergovernmental ..


Shyam Benegal to direct a film on life of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

India and Bangladesh will jointly produce a film on the life & works of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and also a documentary on Bangladesh Liberation War. He was the founding father of Bangladesh. The movie will be directed by ..

World Press Freedom Index 2019

International NGO, Reporters without Borders has released the World Press Freedom Index 2019. The index is based on the assessment of the countries’ press freedom records in the previous year. The report is partly based on a questionnaire which asks questions about ..


Bangladesh Observes Mujibnagar Day

Bangladesh observed Mujibnagar Day on 17th April. On the Occasion Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina paid tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum, in Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Mujibnagar Day Mujibnagar Day is observed on ..


Mujibnagar Day 17th April

The historic Mujibnagar day was observed in Bangladesh as on this day Bangladesh first government in 1971 was formed at Baidyanathtala in Meherpur. Related Information The day was observed by political parties and social & cultural organizations through various programs. ..