Page-3 of Astronomy

The researchers at University of Warwick in UK discover a rogue exoplanet

The researchers at the University of Warwick in the UK have discovered a rogue exoplanet – NGTS-4b – with its own atmosphere in the Neptunian Desert. The Neptunian Desert is the region close to stars where no Neptune-sized planets are ..

Draft Education Policy Unveiled

The Ministry of Human Resource and Development has unveiled the draft education policy. Features of the Draft Policy A complete restructuring of higher education by reintroducing the four-year programme in Liberal Arts Science Education (LASE) with multiple exit options. Even ..

NASA reveales that giant asteroid 99942 Apophis is expected to fly close to Earth in a decade

According to the latest data from US space agency NASA, the giant asteroid named 99942 Apophis is expected to approach dangerously close to the Earth on April 13, 2029. However, there is no need to worry as it will be ..

BepiColombo completes its near Earth commissioning phase

The ESA (European Space Agency) and JAXA’s (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) BepiColombo mission has successfully completed a series of test. It has completed its near-Earth commissioning phase and is now ready for the operations that will take place during the ..

BepiColombo spacecraft joint mission of European-Japanese space agencies

The unmanned BepiColombo spacecraft is the joint mission of the European-Japanese space agencies. It is named after Italian scientist Giuseppe “Bepi” Colombo. Recently, it has successfully completed its near-Earth commissioning phase and is now ready for the operations that will ..

NASA reveals that Mercury a massive solid inner core

Scientists have long been known that Mercury and the Earth have metallic cores. Like Earth, Mercury’s outer core is composed of liquid metal, but there have only been hints that Mercury’s innermost core is solid. Now, in a new study, ..

TESS Mission of NASA discovers its first Earth-size planet – HD 21749c

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Mission of NASA has discovered its first Earth-size planet – HD 21749c. The newly-discovered planet is about 89% Earth’s diameter. The planet is likely very hot, with surface temperatures perhaps as high as 800 ..

Astronomers capture first ever image of Black Hole

Astronomers have captured the first-ever image of a black hole, which is located in a distant galaxy known as ‘Messier 87’ (M87), through a network of 8 linked radio telescopes known as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration. The black ..

MIT student creates an Algorithm that made first Black hole image

Computer scientist Katie Bouman, who is still a graduate student at MIT has developed the algorithm to create the first image ever of a black hole. Katie has named the algorithm ‘CHIRP’ (Continuous High-resolution Image Reconstruction using Patch priors) which was ..

Earth’s fate predicted: Newfound tiny planet gives a glimpse

The ground based telescope picked up signals confirming planet revolving sun like star. The star belongs to the Milky Way galaxy. The star was identified using spectroscopic methods. It is in its white dwarf state. Eventually our sun is also ..