Page-4 of Asian Development Bank (ADB)

ADB Loan for Meghalaya Power Distribution Sector

The Government of India recently signed 133 million USD loan Agreement with the Asian Development Bank. Agreement was signed to strengthen the power distribution sector in the state of Meghalaya. Also, the loan is to be supplemented with a 2 ..


Indian PMO secretaries to hold key positions in WTO, World Bank

The Private secretary of Prime Minister Modi Rajeev Topno was recently appointed as the Senior Advisor to the Executive Director of World Bank. Also, a joint secretary at the Prime Minister Office (PMO) was appointed to the World Trade Organization ..


ADB approves 1.5 billion USD for India to fight COVID-19

On April 28, 2020, the Asian Development Bank approved 1.5 billion USD loan to support the Indian Government in its actions against the spread of COVID-19 crisis. The fund is to be used in disease containments, social protection and disease ..


New Development Bank’s financial assistance of 1 billion USD to India

On April 20, 2020, Finance Minister Smt Nirmala Sitaraman attended the fifth annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the National Development Bank through a video conference. Outcomes The New Development Bank of the BRICS grouping is to provide ..


World Bank: India is expected to grow at 1.5% to 2.8%

On April 13, 2020, the World Bank released its report “South Asia Economic Focus”. According to the report, the Indian Economy is expected to grow at 1.5% to 2.8%. Key Highlights of the report The report says that India’s growth ..


ADB assures 2.2 billion USD loan to India

India had earlier approached Asian Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank for loans to fight against COVID-19. With India’s request, the ADB has assured a loan of 2.2 billion USD. Highlights The funds are to be used to help ..


Empowered Group constituted to coordinate COVID-19 related Response Activities

On April 5, 2020, the Government of India constituted an empowered group under the chairmanship of NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant. The group will coordinate with NGOs, private sector and international organizations for COVID-19 related response activities. Highlights The Group ..


India seeks 6 billion USD loans from ADB, AIIB

The World Bank has funded 1 billion USD to India to fight against COVID-19. With the COVID-19 cases increasing further, India seeks 6 billion USD from ADB and AIIB Highlights The Indian Economy is to take a major hit with ..


Asian Development Bank to invest 100 million USD in NIIF

On March 30, 2020, the Asian Development Bank announced that it is to invest 100 million USD in National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF). The investment during an economic slow down is a great boost for the Indian Economy. NIIF ..


Motor Vehicles Act: 10% reduction of road accidents in 5 months

On March 16, 2020, the Minister of Transport Nithin Gadkari informed Rajya Sabha that there has been 10% decrease in road accidents since the passage of Motors Vehicles Act. Highlights During the Question Hour, the minister replied that India has ..
