Page-13 of Artificial intelligence
Scientists develop new software that can crate 3D models from 2D photographs
Scientists including one of Indian origin have developed new artificial intelligence (AI) software called SurfNet that can create three dimensional (3D) models from 2D photographs. When fully developed SurfNet could have significant applications in the fields of 3D searches on ..
Month: Current Affairs - July, 2017
City Union Bank launches India’s first banking robot Lakshmi in Chennai
India’s first banking robot named Lakshmi was launched by the Kumbakonam-based City Union Bank (CUB) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Lakshmi will be first on-site huamanoid (robot) in India. Currently, CUB has readied only one version of huamanoid banker and but ..
Month: Current Affairs - November, 2016
World's first robot lawyer 'ROSS’ hired by US law firm
The world’s first robot lawyer named ‘ROSS’ has been employed by a US law firm BakerHostetler. The first of its kind artificial intelligence (AI) lawyer will assist the law firm and its various teams in legal research. The robot was ..
Month: Current Affairs - May, 2016
Marvin Minsky, pioneer of artificial intelligence passes away
Marvin Minsky, the pioneer of artificial intelligence passed away on 24 January 2016 in Boston, United States due to cerebral hemorrhage. He was 88. He was an American scientist in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) who had created robotic ..